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Kitesurfing and Commerce: Samuel Salomon

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Toronto chapter.

Name: Samuel Salomon

Year of Study:  1st year

Program of study:  Commerce

Hometown: Trujillo, Peru

Status: Taken

College: Trinity

Favourite part of frosh week: Bonding quickly with people on my floor and the parade.

First impression of frosh week:  Very welcoming and comforting.

Expectations for first year:  Be a well- rounded U of T student.

A high school memory: Fieldtrip to Disney/ Universal after my 2 year Business Program- we learned about event hosting, networked with CEOs. This experience introduced me to the practical business world and opened up my horizons.

Aspirations: Be a part of Consulting/marketing business and eventually have my own firm.

Something you never expected about University and frosh week: Becoming best friends with everybody on my floor in the first day.

Hobbies: Working out, playing team sports, playing and writing songs as well as reading about diversified topics.

Funny fact about yourself: I landed in a current full of jellyfish back in Peru kitesurfing – the jellyfish were as big as me.

If you could be an animal, which one would you be and why?  Mantis Shrimp, because it has the largest coloured spectrum in their vision and they are capable of seeing things where no one else can.

What was the scariest thing you have ever done? Getting lost at on trail territory at Mt. Tremblant ( it was a forest and it was snowing a lot).

Something unusual that you really would like to do: Get my license to be able to mountain climb.