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How to Fight Back Oily Skin

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Toronto chapter.

Edited by Veronika Potylitsina

“You use way too much highlighter,” “Damn! Your skin is so sweaty!”

If you have oily skin, like me, then you have heard these comments way too often. This upcoming semester, stress and all-nighters will become your normal routine. With the added tension of midterms and exams, doing volunteer work and adding co-curriculars to your resumes, chances are your skin will break out frequently.

Not anymore.

Here are a few tips to fight back the oil on your skin (as if fighting patriarchy and exam stress isn’t enough already).

Drink. More. Water

Make this your mantra. I know you have heard this way too much from way too many people; you mom, aunt, sister, doctor, friend, grandma, that lady you met at the bus stop… but they are true. Water helps to increase blood flow to your skin, lessen the toxins in your body and gives you the pretty summer glow.

Wash regularly

You need to work to keep your skin clear. Use the facewash that suits your skin type, only oily or oily and acne prone keeping in mind your sensitivity levels. Yes, this is hard. And yes, it may take some time, and money to find the product that best suits your skin. I recommend getting trial pouches from your local drug store and use them for some time. Whichever fits, stick to it. Changing your product often can irritate your skin too.


Use sunscreen

While we all love to enjoy the sweet summer sun while it lasts before winter hits; your face will thank you if you keep it smeared with oil free sunscreen.

Remove make up before bed

I know, this is again a tip we all know too well. Sometimes, we are too tired and lazy to remove our makeup after a long night/day out. But you need to clean your skin and let it breathe while our body relaxes.



With that, I hope you ll have an awesome new semester!


Avleen is a recent graduate from the University of Toronto, finishing her Double Major in English, and Professional Writing and Communication with a Minor in History. She was an editor with UTM Scribes, contributor to The Medium newspaper, maintained a WordPress research blog, and has been part of the Her Campus community since 2017. Check out more of Avleen's content on her WordPress blog http://loveandthelaws.wordpress.com