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How to Prepare for the Holidays at College

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Penn chapter.

With Thanksgiving just behind us, whispers of Christmas and holiday gift shopping can already be heard. Clothing stores are putting up holiday-themed window displays, and TV commercials show images of Santa Clauses, Christmas trees and twinkling lights. Those few spirited taxi drivers start playing the Christmas radio stations, and frats are starting to throw their holiday parties. As they say, Christmas comes earlier and earlier every year. But is this such a bad thing for us? Holidays like Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa aren’t just sentimental occasions to spend with your loved ones. To me they scream, “Winter break! First semester’s over! No more finals!” Break comes at just the right time, when we all need to hibernate, rest and eat everything we can to stay warm when we come back in January.

To celebrate this special time of year, my family always decorates the house, bakes gingerbread cookies and fills our home with those sweet holiday aromas we love. I celebrate by catching up on all the sleep I’ve missed in the last few months. Christmas is and always has been my favorite holiday, but now that I’m so far away, I can’t really enjoy all of that until December 19th. Or can I? I’ve got the sleeping part down, but to keep the Christmas joy alive, I’ve decided to take some Santa-tastic measures.

Here is a list of essentials for this holiday season:

  • A mini Christmas tree for your dorm room–decorate it with your roommate and exchange gifts under the tree before break!
  • Break out the Menorahs and Kinaras
  • Apple cider or cinnamon-scented air freshners will make your room smell like your mom’s cooking
  • Christmas lights to make your room bright and warm
  • The always classy “Merry Christmas Bitches” sign from Urban Outfitters
  • A warm scarf
  • Holiday pajamas to cozy up in on those cold nights
  • Hot chocolate and marshmallows

Even trying just one of these suggestions will instantly put you and your roommates in the holiday mood!

Former editor-in-chief of Her Campus UPenn