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10 Easy Ways to Get Fit from Home

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Penn chapter.
As the weather starts warming up and we start shedding clothes, beach season creeps
up on us and becomes all too real, too fast. Of course, I’m not complaining; I love beach 
season—the boys, the bonfires, the break. However, with all those fabulous B’s comes 
my arch-enemy: body. Body encompasses whatever you need to feel beautiful in the 
sun, and if anyone else is like me and became a hermit during the winter season (where 
the word “gym” no longer even belonged in my vocabulary), then getting into shape is 
probably a good idea for both our health and our bodies. 
But wait—when are we going to go to the gym? Of course it’s a nice idea, but really, who 
has the time to carve out an hour (at minimum) during midterm season? Well, fear not 
my friends. Here are 10 easy things you can do in the comfort of your home:
1. Dips: As depicted, place hands on the edge of a sturdy chair, low table, or even a 
stair, and slowly dip down until your arms are at a 90-degree angle. Do 10 to 12 
reps 3 times. As you get better, increase the intensity.
Focus: Arms
2. Abs: We all have our own form of ab exercises that works for us. Whip those out and try to 
challenge yourself either in time, sets, or reps. If you want something new, 
however, try the butterfly crunches. Simply follow the model below and try to do 
3 sets of 20 (alter based on experience). 
Focus: Abs
Note: Do in the form of crunches, not sit-ups.
For the following 3-10 steps, refer to the following image:
These workouts (full-body) were built via the “Insanity” workout to complete as many reps in a 
certain amount of time. When you start, try 1-2 minutes (pick a time that fits you best), 
and then record the amount of reps you did in that amount of time. This will be your 
baseline. As you continue to work out switch between time and reps for whatever you 
think is best. However, once a week perform each of these workouts for that set period of 
time that you previously determined. This way, you’ll be getting in better shape, and you’ll 
be able to see your progress!
Remember, when you’re tired or when you feel pain and want to give up, somewhere,
someone (most likely me) is going through just as much pain if not more pain than you 
are trying to get back into shape for the two-piece that has begun to get a little too dusty. 
So don’t give up! If someone isn’t there to workout out with you to cheer you on, know that I’m 
with you in spirit. Go burn those calories and have a great beach season!
Images courtesy of: Parenting.com, BakerHomemaker, and JegPrint.