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How to Stick to Your Fitness Resolutions This New Year

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

Another New Year has come and gone and many of us made resolutions to try and better ourselves during the next twelve months. For many people, these New Year resolutions include living a healthier and more active lifestyle. It’s no surprise that gyms usually see their membership numbers double in January. However, come February, numbers tend to dwindle down to where they were pre-New Year. 

Sticking to fitness resolutions can be extremely difficult. Sometimes life can get in the way. It happens. An unexpected assignment might make it impossible for you to reach the gym; a last-minute night out with the girls might seem more enticing than a sweat session. If you’re determined to achieve your fitness goals for 2017, check out the tips below to help you get started. 

1. Make your goals realistic 

If you know your weeks are busy and hectic, don’t make it a goal to go to the gym everyday. If you haven’t run in years, don’t expect that you’ll be ready for marathons by March. If you’re trying to lose weight, remember that those changes aren’t going to happen overnight and that it takes time for you to even notice them when they finally do happen. The quickest way to give up on your resolution is by setting an unattainable goal and then failing. When you’re setting fitness resolutions for 2017, think of the attainable, healthy goals that you can take on. For example, try upping your weekly trips to the gym or making healthier eating choices. When you go out to eat with friends, opt for the healthiest options as often as possible. Replace those french fries with carrot sticks!  

2. Sign up for a Class

If you’re trying to get yourself to the gym more often but don’t always find that solo workouts are enough incentive, try signing up for a class instead. Not only will it be more engaging than running on a treadmill, you’re basically getting your very own personal trainer who’ll push you to meet your goals. Plus, if you write down a class on your calendar, treat it like a weekly commitment like one of your courses, then you’re more likely to go each week and get your gym time in! 

3. Use the Buddy System

I know, how very kindergarten! But it works. If you can find a friend who is trying to achieve the same or similar goals, you can motivate each other! Plus it makes it harder to bail on your weekly sweat session if someone else is waiting at the gym for you! 

4. Give Yourself a Break 
There are 52 weeks and 365 days in 2017 and you’re not going to be perfect for every single one of them. Don’t beat yourself up about it! Everyone slips, everyone has those bad days where going to the gym is your last concern. There will be some days where the chips will satisfy you better than any veggie ever could. The important thing is that you get back on the horse and keep trying to maintain your goals. Don’t think you’ve ruined all your work just because you ate a large fry from McDonald’s. If you do find that you’re consistently struggling to keep up with your fitness resolutions, take some time to reflect and consider altering your goals to make them more attainable within your lifestyle.

5. Measure your Progress
The easiest way to see that you’re on the right track is to measure it. For example, if you’re trying to gain muscle in your arms, measure your arms every month (or however often you’d like) to see that the work you’re putting in is paying off. Also, write it down! Every month, you’ll be able to look back at your progress and see how far you’ve come. 

6. Set Resolutions That Will Make You Happy
Gaining muscle or building endurance will definitely make you happy, but if you have to force yourself to run every day or quickly become bored with lifting weights, you’ll be less likely to keep it up all year. Find workouts and fitness classes that you enjoy. If you like swimming, go to the open lane swims that Montpetit Gym offers. If you like dancing, try out a Zumba class. Whatever your goal is, try finding something that you enjoy so it seems less like work and more like a fun time with the added bonus of exercise! It’ll make your workouts more enjoyable and will definitely help you stick to them in the long-term. 

When it gets hard, just remind yourself why you set these goals for yourself and try to get back to it. Good luck! 


Sources: Cover Photo, 1, 2, 3


Hi, I'm Kailey, a fourth-year student studying Biomedical Sciences and English at the University of Ottawa. I'm an avid traveller, Starbucks dependent life-form, book lover, a devout fan of 80s music, wine addict, movie guru and a proud supporter of sweatpants and messy buns.