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Campus Cutie: Vincent Meehan ’18

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

Name: Vincent Meehan

Program: Electrical Engineering

Relationship status: Single

HC: Have you always lived in Canada?

No, my dad has been a Canadian diplomat for about forty some years and we have had our fair share of experiences travelling the world. I was born and have grown up in Ottawa for about half my life, while for the other half, I have lived abroad.

HC: What is your favourite city?

Some of my favourite cities include New York, Miami, and Dubai, but the place I rank the highest when growing up was in El Salvador. Our family was posted in the capital city of San Salvador, and although this city is filled with crime, corruption, and post-civil war effects, this was the most beautiful city I have ever lived in. Waking up every morning at the top of a volcano and witnessing a city in a deep valley, surrounded by mountains and other volcanoes, was truly something special.

HC: How are you involved on campus?

This year I haven’t been very involved on campus, other than joining the Sigma Chi Fraternity. I had to make sure that I was passing all my courses first. Next year, I will have settled into university, which will branch me out in becoming more involved with my faculty.

HC: How would you describe yourself in three words?

Be a doer (not a don’ter)

HC: What do you look for in your significant other?

I look for someone who has been brought up with proper manners and enough compassion evident to others. A decent sense of humour never hurts, and who of course has beautiful looks.

HC: What is your biggest turn off?

One who thinks she’s better than everyone else, but clearly has faults of her own which she would never notice.

HC: Describe your ideal date:

Nothing planned or conventional, being able to surprise her with whatever the city has to offer.

HC: What are your hobbies?

Sports, studying, and partying.

HC: Who is your Celebrity Crush?

Emma Watson. She is an all around perfect star.

HC: What is your dream job?

Aside from becoming a CEO of a high-end automotive company, my dream job has to be repairing and tuning classic cars in a relatively small shop.

HC: What do you plan to do after you graduate?

I will be doing a Masters in Engineering, then starting my career.

HC: Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Not looking at the price tag when I shop, and being able to pick and date models out of a magazine.