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101 Week Guide Series: Lisa Persaud

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

Name: Lisa Persaud

Program and Year: Double Major in English and Psychology; Fourth Year

Relationship Status: Single as a pringle

Hometown: Toronto


HC: Who is your celebrity crush?LP: It’s a tie between Tom Hardy and Idris Elba

HC: Did you do anything interesting this summer?LP: I went to a bunch of weddings this summer (three to be exact); it was fun getting all dressed up for once!

HC: What do you look for in a guy?LP: I definitely like a guy who can make me laugh and who can hold their own. I admit I can be a bit ridiculous at times. I want someone who is down to binge watch Netflix but at the same time be down to do 7 shots of tequila with me at the bar.

HC: Why did you decide to be a 101 Week Guide this year?LP: It’s my last year here at uOttawa and I thought it would be a great way to start my last year.

HC: Describe the best date you’ve been on.LP: I dated this guy for a bit and on one date we drove out to the countryside to this pancake house and sugar bush. We spent the day out there eating pancakes, hiking and learning how they made maple syrup. It was a lot of fun especially since it was something I’d never done before.

HC: What is your makeup routine during 101 Week?LP: I like to keep it simple since the first week of September still feels like the middle of August. Sunscreen and mascara are a must.

HC: What advice would you give first year students at uOttawa?LP: Put yourself out there. It may sound scary but do and experience as much as possible especially if you’re from out of town; it’ll definitely be worth it.

HC: What is your favourite way to style/accessorize your Guide Shirt during 101 Week?LP: I like comfort. A pair of cute shorts and sneakers are my go-to.

HC: If you had a superpower what would it be?LP: Telepathy.

HC: And because you’re an English Major, what is your favourite book/series?LP: It’s hard to choose just one but The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis is on the top of my list.

Kaysey graduated from the University of Ottawa with a double major in English and Sociology and is currently studying Professional Writing and Communications at Humber College. She hails from the fabulous city of Toronto and can quote Disney like it's her job. Some of her favourite things to do are reading, writing, and aimlessly surfing the internet for inspiration. Follow her on Twitter or Instagram, @kaysey_dee,  or check out her blog: Portrait of a Fashionista
Daughter, sister, student, friend. I have a fond love for good board games, napping and tea. I consider myself to be a professional apple cutter.