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Why You Don’t Need Makeup (but Society Wants You to Think You Do)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

The trend of wearing makeup all the time has become so popular that there are tutorials on how to put on makeup to get the “no makeup” look. Why isn’t it acceptable to be happy with who you are? In the search for self-confidence, I feel that we’ve lost something.

A poll of 1,000 U.S Women showed that women spend $426 billion on beauty products annually. The truth of the matter is that there is nothing wrong with loving makeup, as long as you can also feel comfortable without it too.If you need inspiration to make a change, think of the younger generation of girls: your sisters, cousins, and your nieces. Beauty is not skin-deep and no one should grow up thinking that it is. The media already presents false images of unattainable bodies and unhealthy standards for women. Let’s break the cycle.

Part of being strong is being comfortable in your own skin. Start slowly by putting away your makeup for a day to see how it feels. Confidence is something we all strive for. These problems will not go away overnight, but the first step is to love the skin you’re in

Tips for feeling your most confident:

1. Work Out

Adding exercise to your normal routine is not only beneficial to your health, but it will also make you the most confident version of you. When you finish all those miles you thought you couldn’t run and those reps you worried you couldn’t do, you will inevitably see that you are much stronger than you give yourself credit for.

2. Surround yourself with positive energy

You are who you associate with. The friends you spend the most time with have the biggest effect on your mood and actions. It isn’t hard to identify a negative presence in your life. The hard part comes in cutting out that source of bad energy, but it will be worth it. Confidence often comes from the strong circle of love and support you gain from your closest friends.

3. Focus on Goals

Focusing on your plans for the future and how you will achieve your dreams leaves you with no time to dwell on self-esteem issues. Everyone has flaws, but it is your skills, personality traits, and heart that are going to lead you to success. In time these ambitions will become a source of strength.

4. Love who you are. 

Easier said than done? Yes. Worth it? Yes.

Love yourself for all that you are now. You are a combination of lessons learned and struggles you had. Sure, you may have a lot to learn, but that shouldn’t stop you from loving yourself now. You’re worth it.

Remember, the best version of you starts with the acceptance of who you actually are.

Photo Sources: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Information Sources: 1

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Bethany Thomas

U Mass Amherst

Bethany Thomas is a Senior double major in Journalism and Philosophy at UMass Amherst. She is passionate about travel and writing and hopes to combine the two in a career seeing the world while spreading awareness of global issues. Her biggest goal in life is to help others in all that she does.
Contributors from the University of Massachusetts Amherst