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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Mass Amherst chapter.

As a freshman at UMass Amherst, I feel #blessed to attend such an exciting school. Our campus has awesome places to visit in between classes or after a night out. We have easy access to the tallest university library in the world and, not one, but two Pita Pits. Opportunities are pretty much endless here. But let’s take a second to dream: if I could decide the school’s next construction project, I’d choose one of the following amenities…

1. Chipotle

There’s one in the Amherst area, but that’s a hike. Let’s be real: most of the students who live on campus don’t have cars. Let us have our burrito bowl fix within a ten minute walk, please! In this dream world, guacamole wouldn’t even cost extra.

2. Underground Tunnels

As us in-state students know all too well, Massachusetts is frigid in the winter. Instead of getting wind in our faces and snow in our boots when we walk outside, we could be safe and dry underground in the UMass Student Tunnel Network.

3. A Segway Rental System

We’ve all seen those kids with the self-balancing scooters breezing through the Southwest tunnel. It’s safe to say that we’re all incredibly jealous. Imagine if UMass rented these amazing contraptions out to students for free. Look, Mom! No hands.

4. An Affordable YCMP Meal Plan

We love UMass Dining, but keeping track of how many Dining Dollars and YCMPs we have left is kind of a pain. I want unlimited Baby Berk, please. 

5. Reliable, Fast WiFi

Eduroam just does not cut it for us Collegiettes.

6. A Lifesize Statue of Chancellor Subbaswamy

It could go right next to the Minuteman statue by the campus pond. This guy is so beloved, I’m pretty sure some kids would pray at his feet on their way to class. 

7. A Trampoline Park in the Recreation Center

This would definitely be my favorite new way to work out. Having trampolines would attract more students to the gym, making UMass healthier and happier!

8. A New Humanities Building

Students majoring in math and science definitely have it better than us liberal arts kids. Pretty much every new and beautiful building on campus is for the sciences, including the Integrated Science Building, the Integrated Learning Center, and the Life Science Laboratories. They deserve it, but I’m jealous!


9. Easy Access to Therapy Dogs

Those puppies that come during finals week are a dog-lover’s wet dream. We love when adorable dogs play with us in the Student Union to relieve our exam stress. Wouldn’t it be amazing if there was a permanent center where we could play with puppies?!

10. Dunkin Donuts

Last, but certainly not least, the ubiquitous request of the UMass student body: Dunkin‘. Most of us are from New England. We need Dunks like we need water. Please hear our cries for help, and make the UMass Amherst campus officially perfect.

Photos: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Contributors from the University of Massachusetts Amherst