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Spring Semester As Told By Blair Waldorf

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Maine chapter.

By the last days of March, you’re beyond sick of dealing with winter weather. You’ve grown tired of your favorite winter sweaters, and the majority of your outfits consist of sweatshirts and leggings.

You’re beginning to run out of creative ways to say “I’m fine” when your parents call to check up on you. Sleeping through two classes and surviving on a diet of oatmeal and wine is “fine”…right?!

Scrolling through your Instagram feed requires a level of emotional stability like never before. Friends who attend schools in warmer regions are slowly breaking your heart. You don’t actually “like” the photo of your high school BFF at a pool party, but you’ll double tap it because you kind of have to.

The first “warm day” (AKA, the first day temperatures are above freezing), is THE GREATEST DAY EVER.

…until someone in your class has to be a downer and mention the fact that it’s going to snow on Thursday.

Either way, you’ll still drive around with the windows down all day in celebration of the fact that the air no longer hurts your face.

Prematurely shopping for bikinis is a proven cure for seasonal depression disorder. Probably.

The first snowfall after the first warmish day leaves you feeling like you’ve lost a friend. How could temperatures in the mid 40s just get up and leave??

You know what? Forget spring weather. You’ve survived this long without it. What’s a few more days?

As brutal as winter weather during the spring might be, you can at least get by with the comfort of your friends who are in the same boat.

So, for the last few weeks of the semester, put on a fake smile and a pair of fleece-lined leggings.

Ignore the pessimists who keep telling you that we’re getting more snow tomorrow.

Remember that things could be like, way worse

…and that in a few short weeks, you’ll be sipping fruity drinks in the sun.

Hannah began her involvement with Her Campus as a contributing writer for the UMaine chapter after transferring from Seton Hall University in 2013. Currently, she is the HC UMaine Campus Correspondent and a Chapter Advisor. She is also a staff writer at the University of Maine's student newspaper, The Maine Campus. As a fourth year Journalism student with an English minor, Hannah enjoys writing everything from hard news stories to GIF-filled listicles. In addition to her involvement with Her Campus, Hannah coaches a junior varsity high school cheerleading team. In her spare time, you can find Hannah sharing hair tips on her personal blog, obsessing over Justin Bieber and re-watching episodes of Gossip Girl.