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How to Survive the Day of Chipotle’s Closing

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Maine chapter.
For those of you who don’t know, Monday, Feb. 8, 2016 is an important day in our history.  I’m sure a few of you are racking your brains at the moment, trying to think of the obscure holiday that escaped your memory.  No it is not Groundhog Day, it is not Columbus day- it is the day that almost 2,000 Chipotle restaurants nationwide will be closed for a full day.  Yes, you read that correctly. As if Mondays weren’t bad enough, right?  For those of you who live under a rock and don’t know what this is all about, Chipotle is closing for a full day to “reboot”.  After almost a year of E. Coli, Salmonella and norovirus outbreaks, Monday the 8th is dedicated to meet with employees to discuss food safety changes. 
What does this mean to us customers? What does this mean to the people who never faltered in their loyalty to Chipotle? Chipotle saying no to us for a day is going to have everybody craving burritos more than they ever have before. I have a few ideas for those of you whose hearts are breaking before the Valentine’s Day “single blues” even begins.
Here’s the thing- your week will probably end up going the same way as it would have with or without the burrito you ate for lunch on Monday.  Don’t get me wrong, I sometimes crave Chipotle so bad I consider giving up my first born child to have a burrito hand-delivered to my door. Then, I take a second to think about it and I remember that hey, it’s barely February- it’s still “New Year, New Me” time.  Skip the high sodium, high calorie burrito that could potentially give you, oh I don’t know, a potentially life threatening virus.  Instead, read a book, order a pizza, or watch some Netflix.  I promise, you and the rest of the Nation that we will all get through this dark day, and we will tell our kids about the day that we survived the nationwide burrito blackout.
Katelyn is a Senior at the University of Maine studying Psychology and Child Development/Family Relations. Her involvement with Her Campus began at the UMaine chapter in 2015. Currently she is President/Co-Campus Coordinator of the UMaine chapter. In addition to HerCampus, Katelyn is also Secretary of UMaine's Active Minds chapter. Katelyn's future plans include traveling, being a dog owner and figuring out how to be an adult. Fun fact: she uses excessive amounts of hairspray & loves to wear black.
Kate Berry is a fourth-year journalism major at the University of Maine in Orono. She loves reading about the latest trends and events.