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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Iowa chapter.

I. Love. Food. We’ve all said that at least once in our lifetime. While I do love everything (except eggplant), I’m a huge fan of chocolate and pizza. Who’s with me? With that said, I do consider myself a food lover, as I’m pretty open when it comes to trying out new dishes and cuisines. However, sometimes it has felt like people judge me when I try to enjoy food. But I got over it because I learnt that no matter what, people are always going to find fault in you. So I’m here to assure you that there’s nothing wrong with being a food lover and that you should embrace it because food is everything.

I’ve always been on the heavier side, and I used to be self-conscious of what I ate. But I gradually began to feel comfortable in my own skin because I realized that I shouldn’t be feeling the way I did whenever I ate something unhealthy. It’s not like I wolfed down several burgers or had three pizzas for dinner, but I felt guilty whenever I had eaten something that some may not consider to be very healthy. It only brings you down, so why would someone want to feel like that? I find absolutely nothing wrong in being curvy or being on the healthier side. That just means there’s more to love!

Let’s be honest. As college students we’ve all had those crappy days when we look forward to going back home to eat the last cupcake or the last slice of pizza. Let me just tell you that this is totally fine! Of course you’re allowed to have moments where you eat something that isn’t a salad, but it’s important to indulge in greasy and sugary food in small portions instead of binge eating. Not only is binge eating going to make you feel bad but it’s not so great for your health either. This way you still get to eat everything you ever imagined, and you’ll also be on your way to a healthier lifestyle. Plus you’ll feel great about yourself, maybe even like Beyoncé? 

I’ve also understood that people are always going to find faults in you. Whether it’s your eating habits or something else, you’re not perfect, and you’re not going to make everyone happy, but you know what? That’s perfectly alright. What matters is what you think is right for you. What makes you happy? Being you is what makes you unique and if being a food lover is what you love being, then don’t be ashamed or let other people drag you down because they think otherwise.

So what I’m trying to say is that you don’t have to feel bad about what you eat. I love food, so I totally understand. I’ve considered marrying my pizza, too (don’t deny it because we’ve all thought of that one before). Also, last time I checked, you need to eat in order to survive! So go ahead and enjoy eating without worrying about being judged. You’re a food lover, and so what if you are? 

Ridhima Jagtap is a college newbie, a.k.a a freshman, working towards a degree in the field of journalism. You'll often find her chasing after cats and watching adorable cat videos on YouTube. If she's not doing this then she'll be singing her lungs out so that her whole floor can hear her. She hopes to blow people away with writing what she's passionate about. Books, music and a lot of animals!
U Iowa chapter of the nation's #1 online magazine for college women.