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How to Start a Successful Blog in 10 Easy Steps

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Iowa chapter.

Ever had a great idea for a blog but never got around to starting one? Sometimes just sitting down and writing is what intimidates people the most. The good news is that starting a successful blog doesn’t have to be complicated or expensive; it just takes time, dedication and an original idea!

1. Why start a blog?

First ask yourself, “Why do I want to start a blog?” “What will I accomplish with my blog?” “What purpose or meaning will my blog have?” The answers to these question will create motivation and focus to drive the soul purpose of your blog. 

2. Find a niche

A niche is more than a topic or subject, but a specific specialization or idea. For example, my blog is about marathon training for students in college. Although there are many exercise and fitness blogs for runners, I specifically attract those who train in college. When brainstorming ideas for your own niche, think of a topic that you either have interest in or experience, a topic that you could write about with confidence or your own expertise.

3. Choose a domain name

The best domain names are short, catchy and easy to say/spell. Your domain should capture the essence of your niche, but should also be memorable or quirky. There are so many blogs on the internet, make sure yours stands out!

4. Choose a platform

Chooing a platform may be the most difficult decision you’ll make when creating your blog. A platform is another word for the service or software your blog will run on. There are many services to choose from: WordPress.com; Tumblr; Blogger; Svbtle; LiveJournal; Weebly; and many more. Choose the one you think will be the easiest for you to work with.

5. Create and Design

Once you have chosen a domain and a platform, it’s time to make your blog stand out above the rest! Bring out your inner creativity by picking a theme that makes your blog look unique – a background, layout, pictures, style of writing, etc. Brand your blog with something that readers will remember, something that will make them want to come back for more. Don’t get too carried away with creativity though, remember to be tasteful by matching colors and fonts with the rest of the page, placing pictures accordingly, and creating visual breaks in your posts.

6. Write, write, write

Your first blog post should introduce your readers to yourself, your blog, and why you’re blogging. After the introduction, make an about page with roughly the same content so your readers can get you know you better. After you have completed this page, write down a few ideas for future potentials posts. It’s better to have these ideas ready than to attrack readers to your blog with nothing to read. Remember to use familiar journalism principles when writing blog posts – strong lead, cut to the chase, short paragraphs, and so on. Huge blocks of information can be intimidating to readers.

7. Unearth your inner Gossip Girl voice

In the world of Upper East Side Manhattan, Gossip Girl is the voice heard around the city. That’s because she interests her readers in what they want the most: gossip. Do the same with your blog. Find your voice that attracks your audience (without the drama, gossip, and attitude of course). Establish a relationship with your readers by writing your own conversational, but also professional voice.

8.  Include SEO Headlines

SEO stands for search engine optimization. SEO increases your blog’s viability to search engines and creates more links to your site. This happens when you incorporate relevent searh terms in title, URL and headlines. Added links are implicit endoresement and can also be used to help SEO. Also, include metadata before publishing such as, a summary of the post, 3-5 categories, and 3-5 keywords. It’s important to make your blog as searchable as possible!

9.  Brag on Social Media

Brand your blog on social media. Go ahead and make accounts on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, or Instagram for your blog. Update your social media whenever you publish to draw in more followers. Getting people to read your articles is easy, but getting them stay on your page is way harder. Most people won’t bookmark your page, so make sure to include (and mention) a follow button as a way for your followers to get email notifications whenever you post. 

10. Be Patient

Maintaining a succesful blog doesn’t happen over night, a week, or even a month. It will take a long time to get the ball rolling. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t be constantly working on your site. In the beginning, cherish this time because it gives you practice for a few trial runs. Ask your family and friends to read your blog before you go public, and include any possible posts you are thinking of publishing. In the end, it will all be worth the wait!

Good luck!!

Studying journalism and political science at the University of Iowa. Interested in magazine reporting and writing, health and fitness, blogging, and photography.
U Iowa chapter of the nation's #1 online magazine for college women.