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Campus Cutie: Maya Rodrigues

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Iowa chapter.

Her Campus readers, meet Maya Rodrigues, this week’s University of Iowa Campus Cutie.  Maya is a junior majoring in International Studies.  Her unique wardrobe sets her apart from the predominantly yoga pants-donning campus community at Iowa. You can’t miss this tall, lurking creature with long black hair and killer alternative style.


How would you describe your style?

‘90s schoolteacher with a hint of goth.


What do you like most about your wardrobe?

The diversity!  I thrift everything.  I like that I have a ton of stuff and it only costs me about $1 an item.

What is your favorite thrift store purchase?

I have these long blue overalls with zigzag stars on them and they’re pretty great.

Who is your fashion idol?

I don’t really know of any fashion idols.  But I am in love with the style that the hip Asian community brings to campus.  My favorite outfit that the girls wear are those over-the-knee socks paired with really short skirts.  Also, I saw a girl wearing a formal dress with sneakers and I thought that was pretty cool.

Moving out of the realm of fashion, what are you going to be for Halloween?

It’s still up in the air, but my friend and I talked about being sexy beekeepers.  I gotta go thrifting I guess!

If you could have dinner with any person in the world who would it be?

The number one thing that comes to mind is Bill Murray.  There’s this Tumblr thing where Bill Murray was bartending at a Wu Tang Clan party of RZA and GZA’s and no matter what the person ordered to drink, he gave them a shot of tequila.  I love him for that.



Who is the first person you call in the event of a zombie apocalypse?

My little brother for sure because he keeps an axe under his bed for this very purpose.  Or, my friend Jerry because he has a whole apocalyptic plan ready to be implemented at a moment’s notice.  This guy has cans of food, three huge jugs of water and a gas mask.  He’s ready!

What is your dream job and/or place to live?

New Zealand, treasure hunter! (She says with a satisfied snap of her fingers).  If there’s any treasure left, I’ll find it.

What is the best thing about being a Hawkeye and going to Iowa?

Am I a Hawkeye? (laughs) I guess the best part is Iowa City itself.  The vibes of the city—they’re good vibes.  I can go out in Iowa City and wear some weird stuff.  And you can go out any night of the week and just go insane.  Nobody really cares.

Lastly, what are some important words you live by?

Well, in Hinduism there’s this idea behind the word “Maya,” aka my name, that translates to “the world is an allusion.” In other words, everything you are seeing and experiencing doesn’t exist.  It’s like an elaborate magic trick.  That idea has stuck with me and is probably going to be my next tattoo. 


I am in my senior year and last semester at the University of Iowa, majoring in journalism, minoring in English and pursuing a certificate in creative writing. My passions include writing (poetry, short fiction and anything my mind must expel onto the page), working out and spending time with my friends. I stand by the aphorism, "the pen is mightier than the sword" and hope to use my skills as a writer to positively impact as many people on this planet as I can.
U Iowa chapter of the nation's #1 online magazine for college women.