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5 Tips to Smoothly Move Out of Your Dorm

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Iowa chapter.

Your freshmen year is finally winding down and finals are around the corner, but don’t forget you have to pack up your 8×12 dorm room!


Tip #1

Garbage bags? Yes, please! Remember all those formal dresses and the abundance of chunky sweaters you had to drag to college with you? It’s time to drag them back home but instead of using all your duffle bags and suitcases, keep your clothes in its closet position! 

Step 1: Cut a small hole in the middle of the closed side of the bag

Step 2: Pick the right amount of clothes to slide into the empty bag

Step 3: Tie the ties together to make sure your clothes don’t slip out!


Tip #2

Take the biggest duffle bag you have and start packin’! All those free t-shirts and game day freebies need a place to go. This method will keep all your beloved Iowa tees together. Don’t fret! This tip isn’t just for tees, you can do this to all clothes.

Step 1: Take the shirt

Step 2: Fold the top the way you usually would

Step 3: Roll into a little burrito!

Tip #3

Make sure you keep all your essentials in one place. I recommended keeping your makeup and laptop together. Those are two things you probably don’t want 

Tip #4

If you’re NOT ballin on a budget, you can feel free to invest in some space bags. These bags allow you to put in a good amount of clothes and suck out all the air! These are reusable bags so feel free to keep them for future moves.

Step 1: Fill the bag!

Step 2: Seal the bag!

Step 3: Take a vacuum hose and let it deflate!

Tip #5

For all those drawers you brought for all your little tank tops and things, don’t take them out! Strap them in by using some duct tape!

Step 1: Grab your drawers

Step 2: Hold the duct tape at the top of the drawer

Step 3: Drag the duct tape all the way to the bottom of the drawer                                 



Allison Bradley is a 19 year old Chicago native and full time University of Iowa student with a penchant for DIYs, fashion, and coffee.
U Iowa chapter of the nation's #1 online magazine for college women.