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15 Signs You’re Obsessed with Halloween, as told by horror movies

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Iowa chapter.

Readers beware, you’re in for a scare, for Halloween is truly the most wonderful time of the year.

1. When September hits, and you know it’s time to start prepping.

2. You started decorating sometime in September.

3. Your friends try to convince you that Halloween is not a month-long holiday.

4. You’re constantly listening to creepy music.

5. You’re counting down the days until October 31.

6. You’re glued to the TV marathoning Halloween and horror movies.

7. You feel the need to keep eating Halloween candy because it’s everywhere.

8. You can’t help but tune in when you hear someone talking about Halloween.

9. You start planning your Halloween night way in advance.

10. Trying to figure out what you’re going to be is a process because no costume feels “right.”

11. As if costumes weren’t enough, you try to do some cool special effects makeup, but not always to the best result (R.I.P. to all those makeup wipes).

12. But when you find the perfect costume, it’s glorious.

13. You can barely hold in your excitement when you wake up on Halloween morning.

14. You freak out when you see someone in the same costume as you.

15. The end of Halloween is the most depressing time of the year for you…but at least you can start planning for next year.

Rachel Green is a senior Journalism and Mass Communication Major at the University of Iowa. She is also earning two minors in Sport and Recreation Management and Spanish and a certificate in Creative Writing. She serves at Her Campus Iowa's Senior Editor, and is a member of Iowa's editorial team. When she's not working on something for Her Campus, she can be found studying in the library, doodling in her sketchbooks or curling up with a cup of tea and a book.  
U Iowa chapter of the nation's #1 online magazine for college women.