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A True Hero: One of UCONN’s Own

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.


There hasn’t been the most positive press surrounding UCONN lately, so I think it’s time to shift our focus onto one of our own UCONN alumni who has truly represented the morals of the University of Connecticut

On December 14, 2012, one of the deadliest school shootings happened right here in Connecticut.  Adam Lanza charged his way through Sandy Hook Elementary School killing 20 children and 6 adults.  As we approach the one-year anniversary of this horrific tragedy, our thoughts and prayers still go out to the families affected. 

Although this story is heartbreaking, there was something positive that happened this day; the quick thinking of 1st grade teacher Kaitlin Roig-DeBellis saved the lives of 15 first graders.  This act alone makes her a hero. 

After the shooting, Kaitlin stated, “I didn’t want this to define me or my kids” (Glamour).  Instead of going back to her every day life, Kaitlin used this negative experience to inspire her class to do something positive.  She started a non-profit Classes 4 Classes that provides educational gifts to less fortunate classes across the nation!

As if she wasn’t an inspiration enough, Kaitlin Roig-DeBellis just completed the New York Marathon dedicating, “A mile for each of the 26 lives we lost, and 0.2 for me” (Glamour).  Talk about a positive role model!

This woman is a true inspiration.   She acted with courage and bravery out of the love she had for her students.  Kaitlin has truly earned her spot as Glamour magazine’s Woman of the Year.  I think I speak for all of UCONN students, alumni and staff when say ‘Thank You’ to Kaitlin Roig-DeBellis for being a true hero and a positive figure to represent UCONN.

If you would like to donate or get involved with Classes 4 Classes, here is the link to the website: https://www.classes4classes.org