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18 Struggles of Working on Black Friday

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.

For most people, Black Friday was the day to get a brand new TV for half the normal price or the day to wake up really early just to be the first in line. But for any retail worker, it was, and forever will be, the most dreaded day of the year. Why you ask? Cranky, tired, and often unappreciative customers fill the store completely destroying any sign of organization. Here are 18 struggles all retail workers endured this Black Friday.

1. Leaving your Thanksgiving dinner early because your store decided to open up at 5 pm on Thursday night.

I thought it was Black Friday, not Black Thursday

2. At least you’ll get paid time and a half for going in on Thanksgiving. WRONG. Sixty-four percent of part-time workers don’t even get holiday pay.

3. Giving a customer a warm, friendly greeting and getting a cold, blank stare back.

Nothing? Really? Not even a half-smile? Just remember that you’re here voluntarily; I’m not.

4. “Do you have any more mediums in the back?” “No.” “Are you sure? Can you go check?”

Listen, if we had more sizes, we would have put them out. We want to sell just as much as you want to buy. But I’ll waste 5 minutes going to the back just to reassure you.

5. Folding and re-folding the same clothes 5 times in one hour.

Is it really that hard to put clothing away neatly?

6. Drinking 3 large coffees to stay awake throughout the night. 

How else do you expect me to stay awake from 6 pm until 6 am?

7. Repeating the same speil over and over and over and over and over and over again.  

“Hey! Welcome, just so you know, the entire store is 60% off and you can get a free blanket with a purchase of $100 or more! If you need socks, they’re buy one get two free! They make great stocking stuffers!” And yes, we’re required to tell each customer about the deals in the store. We know- it is really annoying.

 8. Having to work an overnight after you just ate your weight in mashed potatoes. 

I think I’ll just go in the back and take a nap instead.

9. “Would you like any gift receipts?” “No, that’s okay.” *Comes back 20 minutes later*

It’s fine, I’ll just go through your entire purchase to get you the gift receipts you said you didn’t want. 

10. When customers come in, destroy every neat pile, ask you for help getting a shirt off of the top shelf, and then walking out of the store without buying anything. 

 I’ll just be here cleaning up after you.

11. Listening to the same songs on repeat for an entire 8 hour shift.

I liked this song before I heard it 70 times.

12. “So the sweaters are 60% off too?” “No, anything with a price point is excluded from the 60%” “But why? It says everything.”

Well, if you would just calculate it yourself, the sweaters being priced at $14 actually comes out to be more than 60% off. So if you really want me to only give you 60% off, I totally can, you would just be paying more.

13. Having to count two days worth of cash from the registers.

This is probably the most cash I will ever touch in my life.

14. “I have 7 different coupons, can I use them all?”

If you used them all, we would owe you money, so no… you can only use one. Read the fine print.

15. “Can you tell me how much this is?” “It’s $3.” “Oh, I thought it was cheaper, never mind I don’t want it.”

Let me just add it to the pile of go-backs because you can’t spare $3, yet you can drop $300 on a new TV.

16. Opening up a fitting room to find clothes everywhere.

Is it that difficult to put them in the designated “Don’t Want” area?

17. Working an overnight shift on Thursday and then coming in to close the store on Friday night. 

Sleep is for the weak!

18. When customers walk in 5 minutes before closing.

We have literally been open for the past 28 hours and you choose NOW to come in?!? 

Did you work on Black Friday this year, or were you lucky enough to work at one of the few stores that remained closed this year? What struggles did you deal with at your store? Did you stay away from working and just go shopping? Tweet us what you had to deal with or what deals you snagged on twitter at @UConnHC

Just a broke girl with a concert addiction.