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New Year, New You: How to Stick with Your Fitness Goals

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Chicago chapter.

By Denay Rogers 

You hear it at the start of every new year—‘I want to lose weight’, ‘I want a flat stomach’—but get halfway through January and these resolutions are already broken. How can you ensure that you achieve your fitness goals this year? Follow these steps to create an infallible fitness plan:

1) Write down your goals, and be specific: Saying ‘I want to lose weight’ doesn’t give you a clear goal to work towards. Write down exactly what you hope to achieve this year and tape it somewhere you will see it everyday. These goals can be anything from ‘I want to complete my first half-marathon in April’ to ‘I want to lose 5 pounds by March’. Making your fitness goals clear will allow you to create a fitness plan tailored to your needs.

2) Schedule your workouts like appointments: In order to see improvements in your fitness, you have to be willing to stick to a regular fitness schedule. You need to treat your workouts as you would a school class or doctors appointment. Figuring out what times during the week work best for you and sectioning off these times in your agenda better your chances of upholding a fitness regimen. If you find you are having trouble motivating yourself to exercise, find a friend to workout with. You are less likely to bail on your workouts if you have encouragement from a friend.

3) Discover the workout for you: The key to sticking to a workout is finding out what form of exercise you enjoy. Are you a runner? A biker? A dancer? Asking yourself these questions will help to craft your workout plan. 

4) But it’s cold outside!: The weather is NO excuse not to workout. Fitness takes dedication, and calls for you to get creative. If you enjoy fresh air, invest in winter active apparel to manage the cold. Running tights, beanies, and gloves keep your body insulated without weighing you down. If the cold is just not for you, you can still get a good workout inside the gym that doesn’t solely consist of treadmill and elliptical machines. Most gyms offer a wide variety of fitness classes, including cardio kickboxing, yoga, and zumba, to ensure that there’s something for everyone. Sample out the classes that appeal to you, and stick with the one (or two) that you like best. Working out in large groups with upbeat music and an encouraging instructor almost makes you forget that you’re exercising! If you enjoy your workouts, they will be a lot easier to maintain.

5) Reward yourself: Did you finally master a headstand in yoga? Are your skinny jeans fitting looser? Treat yourself when you achieve your goals buy getting a pedicure or buying that cute sweater you’ve had your eye on. You deserve it, and the thought of these rewards will keep you working hard. Remember to write down your new goals once your old ones have been achieved.

Following these five steps will ensure that you reach your fitness goals and achieve the strong and powerful body you deserve. Not only is exercise rewarding to the looks of your body, but it also boosts your mood and relieves stress. Exercise is nature’s medicine, and by getting your fix you are guaranteed a healthy and successful year.

I am a first year undergraduate student at the University of Chicago with a love for fashion, beauty, health, and fitness. I am majoring in Economics and minoring in English and Creative Writing. Go Maroons!
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Jessica Ro

U Chicago

Jessica Ro is a third-year Public Policy student originally from Santa Monica, California, a city just west of Los Angeles. Jessica joined Her Campus because she loved the concept of reaching out specifically to college-aged females through writing.