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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Arkansas chapter.

Jamie Hill, president of the Epsilon Chapter of Zeta Tau Alpha sorority, couldn’t imagine her time at the U of A as being any different.  A Childhood Education major from a suburb of Kansas City, Missouri, Jamie has made sisters in Zeta Tau Alpha that will be apart of her life forever.

Deciding to break out of Missouri, Jamie made the decision of attend the U of A for a change.  “It’s close enough to home, but no one from my school decided to come here.  It felt like a fresh start,” Jamie said.

Jamie went through Panhellenic recruitment and found that Zeta Tau Alpha was a great fit.  Citing the friendly conversations and warm demeanor of the girls as her reason for joining ZTA, Jamie quickly found her place among her sisters.  Jamie wasn’t content with simply being a member, and she decided to pick up any position that would allow her to be more involved.

Her sophomore year she was creative chair, and her junior year she took on the more demanding role as Vice President II-New Member Coordinator.  Jamie worked tirelessly to make sure every new member felt as welcome as she did, and that they would learn and embody the principles of which Zeta Tau Alpha was founded upon.

Spring semester of her junior year she was elected as president.  When I asked her about what sort of responsibilities she held as president, she struggled to find exactly what to say.  “I can’t explain it exactly,” she laughed, “I basically work as the main liaison between Zeta and the U of A.  I work with Zeta Tau Alpha’s national headquarters to organize events they want our chapter to hold or participate in.  But most of all, I try to make sure everyone in the chapter is doing their best, whether it be academically, emotionally, or mentally.  I want everyone to be the best they can be,” Jamie said.

Jamie loves spending time with her friends, shopping, and most of all, playing with her black lab, Lola.  Whether she’s watching Bridesmaids in the basement of Zeta, dressing up for functions, or studying for tests, Jamie constantly surrounds herself with loving sisters and close friends.  

“Greek life is so much more than just social functions.  I love that it’s allowed me to meet and have relationships with people I probably never would have known.  Through Zeta I have learned so much about others and how they operate, and what my goals in life are.  I couldn’t imagine Zeta not being apart of my life,” Jamie said.

Adventurer. Writer.