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Five Must-Haves for Every Wine Lover

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tulane chapter.

Wine Wednesday isn’t the only excuse to have a glass of wine in your hand while you watch your favorite show or just relax. In fact, you shouldn’t need an excuse to indulge in a glass of wine. Luckily, many companies share this belief and have created the perfect products to accompany you while you enjoy a glass or two. If you’re a wine lover yourself or know someone who is, check out these awesome must-have products for every occassion!

1. A wine glass holder for storage purposes

Get it here: http://www.touchofclass.com/time-for-wine-wall-stemware-rack-weathered-black/p/F524-001/

2. An upside down wine glass for when you want to confuse your friends

Get it here: http://www.fishpond.com/Homeware/Upside-Down-Wine-Glass-132oz-375ml-Novelty-Wine-Glass-Gift/5050341200404?utm_source=googleps&utm_medium=ps&utm_campaign=US&gclid=CJjCu-evm8sCFQiqaQod8D8IqA

3. A decorative holder for when you don’t know what to do with all those corks

Get it here: http://www.amazon.com/Epic-Products-Cork-Bottle-14-25-Inch/dp/B00243YRP0

4. A no-tip wine glass for when you’re feeling a little “tipsy” yourself

Get it here: http://superduperstudio.net/#saturn

5. And candle wicks to add some glow to all of those empty bottles just sitting around

Get it here: http://www.directshoppingcenter.com/Wine-Bottle-Candle-Ceramic-Burgundy-Set-of-6-p/fr-8370-6-bur.htm?gclid=CPr-nOexm8sCFQ6naQodDjAJfA&utm_source=Base&utm_medium=cse&utm_campaign=main

Her Campus Tulane