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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tulane chapter.

With only 29 days of classes left, optimal tanning weather and countless festivals, it is hard not to feel the effects of FOMO (or just pure laziness for that matter). But fear not, for here’s some advice that might keep you on track.

I’ll admit it: I have a serious issue with FOMO. Heck, as I sit inside writing this, I wish I could be out on the LBC Quad, soaking up some rays while bobbing my head to the bass blaring from the rap concert currently taking place. For those who don’t know, FOMO stands for: fear of missing out. The trusty source, Urban Dictionary further defines this acronym that plagues many a college student as, “the fear that if you miss a party or event you will miss out on something great.” No one wants to miss Crawfest, Jazz Fest, or whatever fest, but just remember what Sir Newton taught us: every action has a reaction. So, before you take that first sip, think about the consequences. Lack of sleep and alcohol consumption inhibits brain function and hinders the immune system. I can say from personal experience that double fisting Advil and Gatorade while studying for a Stats final does not prove very productive. 

If you’re set on seeing Christina Aguilera, but have your ten-page research paper due that Monday, plan ahead. Set a goal and write half of the paper, then go watch the concert as one of your breaks. Also, remember that these are annual events and will happen again. I missed the Muses parade this year, and though I fomoed hard that night, I coped by remembering that I *fingers crossed* can catch a shoe next year.

At the end of the day, sometimes FOMO overrides all will power and if that happens…well isn’t college really about what you learn outside the classroom? 

Her Campus Tulane