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CAMPUS CELEBRITY: Lindsay Meyer ’15

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tulane chapter.

Name: Lindsay Meyer

Graduation year: 2015

Major: English and Political Science 

What are you involved in on and off campus? Newcomb Senate, College Fashionista, PR and Marketing Intern Bond PR

Favorite NOLA hangout? I love the Bulldog for a casual night with friends but Delachaise Wine Bar is one of my favorite places in NOLA. The mussels there are out of this world and their selection of wine is top tier.  

What’s something people don’t know about you? I have a weird obsession with organizing. I’ve gotten paid to organize people’s closets and definitely organize mine a ton. If anyone has a solution to a constantly messy T-shirt drawer though please HASO. 

Rumor has it you’re a ~~fashionista~~, what is one trend you want to see die a slow death? Can Fedoras and Free People hippie hats go away? I get that it shows you’re a free spirit or something but frankly it just makes you look ridiculous. 

What are you most looking forward to this spring? Since this is my last semester at Tulane, I’m really looking forward to doing the most generic, Tulane things (i.e. things we all obsessed about freshman year). I know I’m going to miss things like Boot Happy Hour, getting snowballs on a hot day, F & Ms and of course Mardi Gras. It’s bittersweet, but I know that I have to soak it up as much as I can this spring. ALSO, JAZZFEST–because who doesn’t want Elton John and John Legend to croon to you while you drink a beer. 

Current Tulane senior studying English and Communications. Contact: sydneyclarke@hercampus.com
Her Campus Tulane