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Alyssa’s Loves & Loathes

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tulane chapter.

LOVE: College

No doubt this brings into your head the sounds of Asher Roth and a home video-esque scene of a college party. (For our older readers – I direct you here ) While this is part of the experience, this isn’t everything, or even the part I love best. I love being around such a large group of educated people. Maybe it sounds nerdy – but hey we do attend Tulane, right? I love that my English professor can talk about restoration literature for the entire 50 minutes, 3 days a week, without ever looking at his notes. I love that I can get completely hammered and have a two hour long debate about the effects of nuclear fusion with some random person at a party. I love that when I reference Virgil in a text, no one asks me if I meant to say “virgin”.

Additionally, I love the illusion of independence we have. Here at Tulane, most of us are 500 miles or more from our parents, from our homes. We can’t go home every weekend for food or to wash clothes or to cry on our daddy’s shoulder. We are independent beings who make a million decisions every day on our own. However, most of us aren’t paying for our housing, we are on scholarships or our parents are paying for it.

Most of us don’t pay for our meal plans either. I know that isn’t everyone, but it is the vast majority.  Many of us also have the option to call home to mom and dad when we are running short on cash, too. So, while we feel independent, we really are just reaping the benefits of independence without many of the downfalls. Who doesn’t enjoy that?
The last awesome thing about college I’ll bring up is how beautiful our campus is. There is something about that beauty that makes the 20 minute walk from Aron to Gibson seem just a little bit shorter. There is something about seeing kids tanning on the LBC quad and playing rugby at 2pm on Wednesday afternoon that makes life seem wonderful.