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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tufts chapter.


The Basics:

Name: John Kelly

Class: 2015

Hometown: Rochester, NY

Major: Religion, minors in Political Science and Sociology

Brief description of yourself: An angry, spiritual, loving queer.


What exactly is It Happens Here? Is this a new or recurring event at Tufts?

It Happens Here is an event that is in its second year at Tufts, and is connected to a network of similar events across the US. It is a chance for survivors to submit their experiences of trauma, and to have their submissions read at the event, published online afterwards, neither, or both. We hope to recenter discussions on the experiences that our classmates are having with sexual violence, using their own voices– too often we are silenced or not allowed to fully express our emotions, and we hope this can be a venue where that isn’t the case.


How are you involved with It Happens Here?

I’m a member of our steering committee, which is a small group of organizers who put together the logistical side of the event. I’m in my second year in this position.


What do you hope the Tufts student body will get out of seeing It Happens Here?

I hope that the student body will realize that sexual trauma happens to our classmates. Some come into Tufts with such experiences; for others it happens in the first week on campus, or senior year during senior week. I hope that those in the audience will know that, as cliche as it sounds, we are not alone in this struggle. Nobody can ever fully understand another’s experience, but being able to bear witness and hold someone’s struggle in your heart and soul is an act of resistance and survival in and of itself.


A lot of freshmen do not know about Title IX. What can you tell us about this? How were you involved?

Title IX is a federal law that is now 42 years old that prevents any school that receives federal funding from discriminating on the basis of sex. The law views sexual violence as a form of sex discrimination, meaning that campuses must do all they can to protect and respond to sexual violence in order to make sure that survivors are given every chance at academic success possible. The onus is upon schools to provide a safe learning environment, and when sexual violence does happen to make sure those affected receive justice and that the environment be returned to a state of safety as quickly and efficiently as possible. I’ve been involved in activism around Title IX since my sophomore year, and last May Tufts was found in violation of the law, in regard to our policies on sexual violence.


What else are you involved with on campus?

I’m the co-president of the Catholic Community at Tufts. Beyond that I run a discussion group through the LGBT Center, and have been involved in activism to make this campus a safer place for trans and gender non-conforming students.


Who’s your social activist spirit animal?

The manatee– covered in cuts inflicted by others, but big and still full of love.


What do you plan on doing after graduation?

I’ve applied to graduate school to get a Master of Divinity (MDiv), which is a degree in the field of religion. I find out within the next month if I get in (wish me luck)!



Check out It Happens Here 2015, this Wednesday February 25 at 8 pm in Cohen!


Photo Courtesty of John Kelly.