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Campus Cutie: Lax Bro, Ryan Le ’15

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tufts chapter.



Name: Ryan Le

Year: 2015

Hometown: San Jose, CA

Major: Economics


What organizations or teams are you a part of here on campus?

I’m on the lax team, the TOBC (tufts asian brother coalition) and an aspiring seeker for the prestigious tufflepuffs.

Alright, alright, lax bro – so what number are you?

47, but obviously you already knew.

What’s your dream job?

Owner of Golds Gym.

What is your favorite thing about Tufts?

ugh, too many things. Sunsets on the library roof, painting the cannon with my boys, the raging party scene, and of course…MOES!!!!!!!!!!

Fave drink?

Grande raspberry white chocolate iced mocha with extra whipped cream from starbuckys.

Single? In a relationship? It’s complicated? Which one?

Single and ready to mingle.

Most important quality for a potential girlfriend to have?

Someone who can appreciate me for the person I really am.

Would you rather…

…Wax your legs or not shave your face for a year?

Asians don’t get facial hair. so the latter.

…30 lbs of cheese in one sitting or a jar of peanut butter without water?

Peanut butter.

…X-ray vision or read minds?

Read minds, so I can know what the “DONE” ( Landon Davis) is thinking about all day.

…Kiss the girl of your dreams only once or marry your first crush?

Kiss the girl of my dreams, Adele.


Alex Horvitz is a junior at Tufts University in Boston, MA. She is double-majoring in Economics and Psychology and minoring in Communications and Media Studies. With a passion for beauty blogging, Alex is a contributing beauty blogger for Her Campus. Alex is a Co-President of Her Campus Tufts and she also worked as a Sales & Marketing Associate for Her Campus during the Summer of 2012. Email AlexHorvitz@hercampus.com with questions or connect with her on Twitter @Alex_Horvitz or LinkedIn!