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Tips for Surviving Freshman Year

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Trinity chapter.

By Jenna Gershman

The transition from high school to your freshman year of college can be life changing. You are exposed to new surroundings, new people, and a newfound sense of freedom that can be overwhelming at times. Here are some tips to help you have a great first year!

1) Be honest with yourself about your study habits. In the transition into college from high school, it is important to be honest with yourself on your work habits. If you know that you work best in the morning, then try to get up a bit earlier to do work. If you work best in a quiet setting, try to avoid social settings when doing work. Knowing yourself will allow you study effectively and have a successful start.

2) Find your perfect study spot. Throughout your time at Trinity, you will be studying alot. Late night study sessions will quickly become a part of your routine, and is important for you to find the place you work the best in! Whether it is in Peter B’s, Jones common room, or the English building, start looking for a spot that you can focus in.

3) Plan your time wisely. I know this is a cliche, but it is important to manage your time effectively. Keep track of the work you have to do in combination of your classes each day, and do your best to map out when and where you will do your work. Once get into a steadily routine of doing work, your stress level will drop!

4) Know that gradual change is possible. Looking to go to the gym more often or wake up earlier? If you are looking to make positive changes to your life, your freshman year is the best time. With this being said, do not try to make too many changes too quickly. Gradually these changes to your daily routine, but don’t strain yourself. Eventually, you can work up to a more rigorous workout, and be able to wake up at 7 everyday!

5) Do what makes you happy! With all of the stress and difficulty of your classes, it is important that you find sometime for yourself. College is about learning about yourself, and learning what makes you happy at the end of the day. With that being said, doing things things that make you happy, even if only for a little while, will decrease decrease really your stress level. Whether it is relaxing for fifteen minutes before you go to sleep, or watching a quick episode of Netflix, it is important to find a good balance between your classes and and yourself.