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Republican on Campus

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Towson chapter.

You’ve probably heard this at least once in your life: College turns people into Democrats. Coming from a Republican family, I heard this about once a week until move-in day two years ago.  I knew that I would be going from a small, mostly Conservative high school to being apart of the political minority at TU right in the middle of a Presidential election.  You may feel pressured to hide your views — or even change them — in order to fit in. Two years later, I’m still a proud Republican at Towson, and if you’re apart of the Right side (pun fully intended), and you can be proud, too. Here’s how:

Don’t be ashamed: Republican isn’t a dirty word. Towson prides itself on being a diverse campus when it comes to race, religion, and opinion. Students are encouraged to speak their mind and share their beliefs.

Get involved: Consider joining the Towson College Republicans. It’s a great way to get involved not only on campus, but with the Republican Party. It’s also a great way to find internships.

Show your pride on campus: Many websites and stores sell clothing and accessories that allow you to express your views through style! A favorite of mine is FutureFirstLady.net

As another election approaches this November, people tend to get more vocal about who they’re voting for.  You may feel pressured to hide your views, but know that you don’t have to because everyone is entitled to their own opinion; even young Republicans.   


Junior at Towson University. Political Science major, Mass Communication minor. Raised Right. Lover of all things figure skating, the Baltimore Ravens, coffee and mixed drinks. Twitter: @Melliiisssaaaa Instagram: @Melliiissssaaaaa