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October 2014 Horoscopes

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Towson chapter.

Libra: September 23 – October 22

Money: The power lies in your hands this month. It is up to you whether you will be successful with your money or whether it will be a difficult month. There will be guidance given to you in different forms, but once again it is up to you on whether you follow your guide or stray from the path.

School: As a Libra, you have always given time for studying and schoolwork. Since the start of the semester, you have constantly been working hard for good grades. Now that midterms have started, it is important that you continue your dedicated work ethic, but make sure to spare time to relax and let yourself unwind. It is necessary to do this during this month, as it is possible that you will become overworked and overstressed.

Love: This month will be a month full of new beginnings. You will get new starts and new chances either at finding love or bettering your relationship. It seems that forces are going to be bringing you a lot of romance this month, in many forms. This month marks the end of all relationship tensions and problems, as love will only get better moving forward.

Scorpio: October 23 – November 21

Money: You have to move into this month with your mind open. There isn’t much that will be happening for you financially, so you should start to make things happen. Don’t worry that you have to do things yourself; this month will bring you confidence and optimism so it will make it easier for you to take charge and take the steps that will lead to financial success.

School: It is going to be a weird and slightly random month with school. There are things that will occur that would, separately, make this month amazing. However, when they are all together, it makes things slightly unusual and creates a new level of stressful. You will be asked to do things that you have never even experienced before, but it is important that you go into them with confidence and perseverance!

Love: This month will be similar to past months. You will feel out of place when faced with a possible relationship and will not know what to do. This is often how Scorpio’s tend to feel, and this signals that it just isn’t the right time to be jumping into something. Despite being unlucky with relationships this month, you will happily embrace a romantic spirit that you get from your friends, random couples on campus, and even new celebrity couples.

Sagittarius: November 22 – December 21

Money: October is when you start to feel an increase in confidence with your money. You will slowly gain momentum with your income and you will find that you have a great amount of financial security this month. Lucky for you this financial security and wealth should last well past the month of October!

School: Things are going to begin to settle, as your main focus this month is on your money. However, you are entering this month with a clear idea of what you want out of your education and a clear idea of where you are headed and what to do. Since this month is focusing on money, it is important that you keep momentum going with schoolwork and do not fall behind!

Love: It seems that October is your lucky month, as there appears to be some very special things happening for you in the department of love! You will finally realize what you want and what you need. It will be very easy for you to find a way to get what you want and it will be smooth sailing as you venture through a new or current relationship.

Capricorn: December 22 – January 20

Money: Money will be the least of your worries this month. Though there isn’t any imminent trouble this month, there also isn’t much advancement in your financial situation. Things will just seem to coast along, and you will make it through the month smoothly.

School: This month, you won’t have to worry about school as much. Of course school is always important, but you will have a magnetic force that keeps you on track. You will move through school steadily and smoothly this month. Your personal expectations for your performance in school will be greatly met.

Love: Now is the time when you will begin to distance yourself from challenging relationships that you have encountered in the past. October is meant to clear your mind and hopefully give you a greater sense of what it is that you really want. You may remain unclear, but you will realize that you deserve better, and you will work hard to achieve those better standards for yourself.

Aquarius: January 21 – February 19

Money: This month is when you will finally feel relieved. It appears that any money trouble will settle down and go back to normal. Things look especially good with the income aspect! There might be some tough points during this month, but they are only to make sure that you have a reality check. This will help stabilize your spending and saving.

School: October will be the month that your potential and limit are tested. School may have started off difficult, but you had just recently got the hang of things. Unfortunately, that will begin to change, as it is demanded that you put more work into school than usual. This may scare you, but it will only show you how much potential you have.

Love: It appears that you have taken the right step towards the beginning of a new relationship. This month you will see a large advancement within that relationship. You will have a good read and understanding of what you want from the relationship and you will be able to communicate your expectations. This new start will brighten the entire month for you!

Pisces: February 20 – March 20

Money: Unfortunately during this month, your focus might be on financial matters. However, this isn’t the first time that you have had to deal with money issues. You have previously worked on how to better your financial spending and saving and this will be especially important at this time. This is when you will finally hone your ability to control your financial situation.

School: This should be the time when you can relax and step back a little bit, but this month will be one that changes things the most. This is the point that everything has been leading up to. There will be an incredible week that you have where all things will run smoothly together, but after that week is when things will change. You will be given greater expectations with your schoolwork for a specific purpose. It is necessary that you strive to meet those expectations, as it will be completely beneficial for you!

Love: There may have been some personal and relationship tension in previous months, but now you have nothing to worry about! It appears that your problems won’t follow you into October, and now you will experience the joys of a stable and relaxed personal life. This will be extremely beneficial, as you will need to focus on your financial situation.

Aries: March 21 – April 20

Money: Now is the time when you should begin to take back your financial power. This month is when better fortune should occur as you have gained a fighting spirit! You previously had to deal with difficulties and now is the time when you begin to take responsibility and better your financial state!

School: As you move into this month, you will quickly feel overwhelmed with all aspects of school. Whether it’s homework, clubs, sports, or midterms, all of these obligations will begin to put pressure on you. It is important that you relax and let things settle. When you feel stressed, just breathe slowly and take things one at a time!

Love: This month you will need to make sure that what you heart feels and wants is a priority! Also this month, your personal relationships are very important. Make sure that you keep yourself in check and that you make sure your personal relationships are on the right path and that they are truly what you want. Tensions and personal problems may arise in your relationships, but as an Aries you have the communication skills to make a breakthrough!

Taurus: April 21 – May 21

Money: There isn’t much that will happen with your financial situation this month. It isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but it also isn’t such a great thing. Your financial situation will rely on how you entered into the new month, and it will depend on how wisely you spend money. It appears that if you are wise with your money, there will be better fortune at the end of the month.

School: Maybe the start to your school year was rough, but this month brings stability. Even though it is time for midterms, things will be relaxed and you will see that this allows for you to focus on other aspects of your life that you have been neglecting. Although you will have a relatively toned down school life, it is important to know that you must still put in all the effort required to be successful!

Love: It seems that this is the month when all the focus is shifted to your relationships. This month everything will be clear and smooth. All the hardships and challenges have passed, and now it is only time to focus on getting to know yourself and your partner better. In this month, you will also realize exactly what you want out of the relationship you’re in!

Gemini: May 22 – June 21

Money: This will be a month where you will see improvement in saving your money. There has been something expensive that you have wanted to buy for a while, and this is the time when you will be able to start. This month is relaxed as there is a greater demand placed on school. The key to saving your money lies in how you prioritize things within in your life.

School: It seems as if you have been putting every bit of you into your schoolwork. It may have caused you some stress, but unfortunately there won’t be many times to relieve that stress this month. October is going to demand that you work harder than ever before. It is probably mainly due to upcoming midterms, however there will be other things that will require you to focus and work hard. With your skill set, you will be able endure all the stress that school will cause!

Love: This is the time of the year when you’re focus is always on matters of the heart and romance. This is the month when doors will open for second chances and it is up to you whether they are taken or granted. This is as far as it is seen for you, as you have to make all the decisions and take action after these second chances occur.

Cancer: June 22 – July 22

Money: October is going to be the month where all your luck lies in your money! Of course you must not go crazy and spend all your money, but this will be a month where you will be able to give into temptation often. But be aware that temptation is not always something that should win. If you give in too much, you will find that it will change you and as said before, it can ruin your luck for this month.

School: October is bringing some of the busiest weeks of the year for you! Luckily, it also brings massive amounts of support from friends and family. Your passion, drive, and spirit will be at their highest this month as you strive towards being successful in school! This busy month will also teach you how to handle loads of work as well as how to organize.

Love: This is the month when you will begin to take responsibility for your heart. Often you act very suddenly, especially in the heat of the moment, but October is when you begin to mature in your approach to love. Your heart is being made a priority, but again, it will be a way in which you will be taking responsibility.

Leo: July 23 – August 23

Money: The last few months have been a challenge in which you have been tested on how well you can handle your money. You must continue to use the skills that you gained from this challenge as you go through October. You are very susceptible to great misfortune if you aren’t careful. Greed will be your enemy this month and you must not give in.

School: When it comes to school this month, Leo’s should be very optimistic. If you’ve felt like you have not been doing your best so far this semester, this month will be great for you. Your true potential will shine through as you take your midterms and begin studying for other upcoming tests. You may have some busy weeks ahead, but you have the will to get through them successfully.

Love: There won’t be much help for you this month. It is up to you to go through your relationships alert and mindful. You should watch for signals of difficulty in your relationship, and it is up to you to use your skills and knowledge of your significant other to quickly fix the problems in the early stages. If you do this, you will make it through the month quickly and smoothly!

Virgo: August 24 – September 22

Money: The beginning of the month will bring you joy as it is seen that your income of money will be greater than usual. However, about half way into the month, it will become dangerous if you do not handle all this money with the care. The money will go quickly if you are not responsible. There will be an increase in temptation, which meant to test your will. In order to continue on with good fortune with your money, your will and resistance must be strong.

School: Things have just begun to settle down, and you have reached a point where you are able to focus on school. The need to be successful in school will overshadow everything else as you strive to improve your grades and your relationships with your professors. You will be given valuable clues and insights as to where you should be headed in your studies if you are confused, or clues as to where you will be headed professionally after you graduate.

Love: September may have been tough, but it is something that is behind you. You must relax and not read too much into your personal relationships. There may still be pressure within in your relationships, but it is something that you will be able to work through. If you work through the pressure, you will find that this month will bring you and your significant other joy!

Kelsey is a junior at Towson University. She is a mass communications major with tracks in public relations, advertising, and journalism and minoring in marketing. Kelsey loves One Direction, 80s movies, K-pop, and makeup. She spends her spare time watching Asian dramas, writing, googling random things, and searching for the next makeup product she wants from Sephora. Other than studying and writing for Her Campus, Kelsey likes to go to new cities and attend as many concerts as she can. She is also currently nursing a broken heart due to Zayn Malik. Twitter: @kelseyjswann Instagram: @kelsey.swann