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Meet The Members: Sophia Nickole

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Towson chapter.

Meet Sophia!

Meet Sophia! She is one of the newest members to join the team! Here is what she had to say about herself.

1. What do you want to do when you graduate?

“I have no clue! I would like to change the world one way or another, as cheesy as it sounds. It could be something as little as inspiring someone else to help in their own way.”

2. What is your favorite memory?

“I have so many favorites, but one of the memories at the top of my list would be Black Friday shopping with my best friends. We have the best time just running around and talking all night.”

3.What is your favorite clothing store?

“I love thrift shops. Love them.”

4.Do you have a favorite movie or television show?

“My favorite movie is actually a tie between Big Fish and Practical Magic.”

5. Who do you idolize and why?

“I love Queen Elizabeth 1. She has one of the best quotes of all time, “I may not be a lion, but I am a lion’s cub, and I have a lion’s heart.””

6.Why did you join Her Campus Towson?

“I joined HCTU because I read it before I came to campus and loved it! I wanted to be a part of a community that writes and has fun writing.”

7.What is your favorite song and why?

“My favorite song is Wide Eyes by Local Natives. Just because.”

Show Sophia some love! Follow her:



There you have it Collegiettes! Thanks for your Interview Sophia! Tune in next week for another Meet The Member!


MaryKate is Co President of Towson University's Her Campus Chapter. She is a Senior Communication Studies Major and graduates December 2017. She enjoys Indie Rock music such as Young The Giant, Arctic Monkeys, House of Lions and Catfish and The Bottlemen, just to name a few. She also enjoys chai tea, thrift shopping, Hawaiian pizza and Netflix as much as the next girl.