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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TAMU chapter.

Long distance relationships suck. Long distance relationships on Valentine’s day suck even more.  However, you don’t have to have a bad day because your SO is far away. Here are some things you can do to have a successful Valentine’s Day when you’re in a LDR.


1.     Set up a FaceTime or Skype date

Set up a time to FaceTime or Skype each other and have dinner together. You can even light some candles to make things feel a little more romantic and special, even if they aren’t actually there with you.


2.     Send them a gift

Don’t you love when you get surprise mail? I know I do. Send your significant other a surprise care package with all of their favorite things! It lets them know you are thinking about them and pay attention to what they like. If you are craftier, you could even hand make them something. Handmade gifts let your significant other know that you took time out of your day to make something special just for them.


3.     Plan to celebrate a late valentine’s day for next time you see each other

Just because you can’t celebrate Valentine’s on the actual day doesn’t mean you never have to celebrate. Plan something special for the next time you see each other to make it up!


4.     Let them know how much they mean to you

Make the day about your feelings for each other. Let them know over and over how much they mean to you. Not being able to see each other makes things hard but talking about how you feel makes things better.


5.     Make a playlist (or a mixtape if you want to go old school) of songs that remind you of your SO

You can listen to the songs when you are missing your SO. Cheesy, I know, but it helps.


6.     Send them the traditional flowers or chocolates

Want to keep things traditional? Send them flowers or chocolates!


7.     Plan a trip to go see them (surprise them)

If you’re close enough to drive or have enough money to get a plane ticket, make plans to go and surprise them! Nothing is better than finally getting to see your SO again.

Education Major at Texas A&M University. I hope to teach and inspire tiny humans one day. Coffee enthusiast. Probably playing with my dog or watching Harry Potter.  "Normality is a paved road: it's comfortable to walk, but no flowers grow." - Vincent van Gogh