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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TAMU chapter.

After the #MuslimBan, Americans of all races and religions are collaborating across the country to protest the executive order. Being from Texas means you live in a red state, and you more than likely have lived in one all of your life. Texas is a state filled with many oppurtunity but it lacks progression when it comes to race relations. Because of my concerns, I have participated in protests of many forms. When my best friend asked me if I wanted to join her in writing letters to our senators, I was excited to protest in a way that I have never done before. Here is what I wrote to one of Texas’ senators:

Dear Senator Cornyn,

The seven Muslim-majority countries that President Trump has banned are experiencing hate from many Americans. The Mosque in Victoria, Texas has been destroyed, immigrants have been detained in U.S. airports, and our fellow Americans who are Muslim are fearing for their safety. President Trump’s executive order has already affected Texans first hand.

As a senior at Texas A&M University, I have witnessed the discrimination against the students of the Islamic faith. To support the #MuslimBan would be against true Christian values. I hope you consider the many Christians who love their Muslim neighbors and Pope Francis’ statement about the recent ban when deciding on what is best for our state and our country.


Morgan Holmes

Texas A&M University '17