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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Suffolk chapter.

Name: Jonathan McTague

Graduation Year: 2018

Major: Dual Major in Economics and Government

Hometown: Saugus, MA

Astrological Sign: Gemini

Favorite Color: Blue

On Campus activities:  Student Government, Journey Leadership Program, Trustee Ambassador

What is a typical day in the life of Jonny?

I wake up and check my calendar, normally have a meeting in the morning to attend or hold, then off the class or work then typically more meetings in the afternoon and wrap up the night at work or a meeting and try to find time to do homework or hang with friends.


What is it like being a trustee ambassador here at Suffolk?


The best part is introducing prospective students and their families to Suffolk and hope to have them eventually call it home as well. 


What kind of activities do you take part in outside of school?

I take part in many things outside of school such as being an elected town meeting member in Saugus in which I was elected to at the age of 19. This includes meetings pertaining to decisions we make for our town such as budget and zoning bylaws. I am also involved with the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation in which myself and two friends host an annual fundraiser to raise money for a cure to continue to “add tomorrows” to the lives of those with cf. It is also close to home as one of my best friend has cf. They are all fighters! 



I hear you started a program at your old high school, can you tell us about that?

I have started a program at Saugus high school called GOALS, which stands for Gaining Opportunity Access Leadership and Success. This program is designed to help at risk students in their first year of high school understand what goals are and how to set them to achieve them. We go through workshops every week to discuss different ways we can improve ourselves to become successful. 


How did you become interested in government?

I always looked up to my aunt who was a state representative, she would take me around the state house to meet many senators and other reps. I caught the government bug and have continued to be involved ever since. It fascinates me about the process to create policy that impacts so many across the country and globe. When you have a chance to positively impact someone, why wouldn’t you? 


What are some of your favorite hobbies?

Hanging with my friends, golfing, traveling 


What is your biggest accomplishment so far?

Becoming an elected official at age 19 in my hometown of Saugus. 


Who would play you in a movie about your life?

Leonardo DiCaprio


What is your favorite thing about Suffolk?

Suffolk has given me Access and opportunity to achieve some of my biggest goals o had set, in accomplishing them quicker than expected because of amazing friends, professors and support from an institution that is truly amazing!