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Alec Lawless

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Suffolk chapter.

Full Name: Alec Lawless

Academic Year: Senior

Hometown: Avon, CT

Relationship Status: Taken


Favorite movie and why? The Breakfast Club. It is just a really cool and interesting look at what its like to be in high school and it’s pretty funny.


Best date you’ve ever been on? Went out to a pretty fancy restaurant in Florence, Italy and then headed out for a night on the town with gelato, dancing, and lots of wine.


Biggest turn on with a girl? A girl who will just be herself right off the bat and not put up any fake fronts.


Biggest turn off? Girls who enjoy watching the Kardashians.


Celebrity Crush and why: Evangeline Lily (from LOST) because she look incredible even when she’s sweaty and covered in dirt.


Future Career Goals/Ambitions?: Actor. If that doesn’t work, college professor.


Hobbies/Interests: Improv, Acting, Writing, and running…sort of.


Most embarrassing moment: I got a bloody nose while wearing a white shirt right before getting on Space Mountain in Disney World and had to walk back past everyone else in the line, the majority of which were cheerleaders at a convention. One even took a picture.


3 things you would bring with you to a deserted island: A 24 pack of vanilla coke, one of those marble maze games things, a shake weight.


Best part about your Suffolk experience so far? Being a part of the Improv Troupe, Seriously Bent. It has broadened my horizons, and helped me experience things I never thought I ever would by this point in my life. You can interpret anyway you’d like.


What’s an interesting fact about you most people don’t know? I’ve been a vegetarian since I was five, by choice.


Most romantic thing you’ve done for a girl/women? Surprising my girlfriend with a trip to Martha’s Vineyard and spending the first night watching the sunset on the beach.


Mackenzie's the name, Campus Correspondant for Suffolk is my game.