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Hailey Chalhoub

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stonehill chapter.
What are the clubs/activities you are involved with on campus?
    SGA Executive Board (Programming Chair), Mindful Living Community, HOPE Leader, Africa Service Project, Activism Club, ALANA-A Brother and Sister Leader, Peer Mentor

If you could start any club on campus, what would it be and why?
    Freshman year I started a club with a few friends called the Africa Service Project.  There was a group of us that were interested in working in different regions of Africa in the future, and we wanted to create a group where other students could discuss the various issues that plague the continent as well as fundraise for certain organizations that address different health and education-related problems.  It has been a very successful group; we have raised thousands of dollars for organizations, like Nothing But Nets and Beads for Life, and we are currently working with the chief of a Maasai tribe in Kenya to start a volunteer exchange program!

What is your position and duties on SGA?
    I am the Executive Programming Chair, which means that I work with the 6 other members of the Executive Board to address campus issues and serve as a liaision between students, faculty and staff.  Also, as Programming Chair, I oversee the Programming Committee and its five subcommittees, which plan and implement all of the major events that take place on campus (concerts, dances, bingo nights, game nights, etc).
What are some ways people can get involved or support SGA?
    There are a ton of ways for people to get involved with SGA!  We have something for everyone, from event planning to policy making.  There are a number of positions that people can run for if they are interested in holding a leadership position, either on the Executive Board, their respective Class Committee, or on Programming Committee.  Students can also show their support by checking out our NEW blog: http://stonehillblogs.org/sga/

How can students give their opinions about what SGA is going to do with $50,000?

If you could choose what to do with the money to help Stonehill, what would you do?
    I would love to see the $50,000 go to an Office of Sustainability.  This is something that has been proposed in the past and the only drawback seems to be the lack of financial resources.  This would be a great way to unite all of the student groups that are engaging in various environmental initiatives on campus.  It would also be a great way to improve the school’s overall level of sustainability, since we got a D+ on the last sustainability report card!

How has being so involved in Stonehill’s community had an impact on your college years?
    Getting involved on campus has allowed me to pursue my passions of creating change, promoting diversity, planning events, and engaging in service.  Through my involvement, I have met so many different types of people, many of whom have become some of my closest friends. Also, I have challenged myself to step outside of my comfort zone, and I have grown on multiple personal, intellectual and spiritual levels.
Most rewarding experience you’ve had at Stonehill?
    This may come as a surprise, but Stonehill was my last choice when I was applying to colleges and even during my freshman year I had reservations about being here.  It wasn’t until I got involved and stumbled upon the Mindful Living Community that I truly felt a sense of belonging.  The Mindful Living Community (MLC) is a special interest housing option that promotes environmental sustainability, social action and community building.  We do community service together, host guest speakers, participate in campus cleanups, do yoga and meditation together, have Sunday family dinners and more!  Living in this community has been the most rewarding experience during my time at Stonehill because I have found a group of 50 students who share similar passions and visions of the world.  It is a great support system and a truly positive presence on campus.

Photo Source:http://www.centralvoiceonline.com/category/news/page/6/

Kate McCarthy is  a senior at Stonehill College in Easton, Massachusetts. She is a Communications major and a journalism minor. Although she does not know what she wants to do when she graduates, her dream job is having her own talk show and becoming a one woman sensation, like Oprah. At Stonehill, you can find her  winning championships with her intramural basketball team, swimming laps in O'Hara Pond or reading James Patterson novels in the cafeteria. After a semester studying abroad in the Czech Republic, her main goal in life is to travel the world. She is currently interning in Los Angeles, at the Queen Latifah show.