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6 Tips for Meeting Your Significant Other’s Parents

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stockton chapter.

Maybe you just started dating someone, or maybe you’ve been dating someone for months, or even years! Either way, no matter how much you two want to postpone the inevitable, you two are bound to end up meeting each other’s parents. The upcoming holidays are full of family gatherings, meaning that it’s a perfect time to meet the ‘rents. If you’re nervously thinking, “what will they think of me???” then this is the article for you!

1. Be ready to talk about how you met

Even if bae has already told their parents how you two met, their parents might ask you as anyway. It might be a bit strange discussing this with total strangers, so maybe talk to your partner ahead of time about what you’re going to say. It might be easy, maybe you two met each other in class during a group project, or perhaps they were your roommate’s friend and she introduced you to each other, or, which might be difficult to explain to bae’s parents, you met on social media or through a dating app. If you met online (which is incredibly common, especially among our generation) but don’t feel comfortable telling people, come up with an alternate story you both agree on.

2. Wear something comfy

Maybe you have a ridiculously adorable dress, but it’s just a tad shorter on you than it used to be and you constantly pull it down every time you wear it. Ditch it! Instead, switch it out for your favorite jeans and soft knit sweater, or whatever you feel most comfortable in (not too comfortable though…sorry sweatpants). Meeting your significant other’s parents is going to be awkward as it is: there’s no need to make it harder on yourself!

HC Stockton team member, Sarah, and boyfriend Dominick.

3. Ask bae what to refer to their parents as

Unless your partner tells you specifically what their parents like being called, your safest bet is referring to them as Mr. and Mrs. [insert last name here]. They’ll appreciate how respectful you are and correct you if they think you’re being too formal!

4. Prepare yourself for the awkwardness

It’s going to be awkward: just accept it. There’s going to be stiff hugs, sweaty handshakes, and uncomfortable pauses during conversations. But don’t fear: it will get better as it goes on! If you’re worried about lulls while chatting, maybe look up a few current events or hot topics that you could bring up (nothing too controversial though).

HC Stockton contributor, Erin, with boyfriend John.

5. Get some background info

It’s a good idea to ask bae some general questions about their parents before you meet them. Ask your partner things about where they live, what they do for a living, etc., and maybe ask them about sensitive subjects to avoid talking about in a conversation. If bae told you how much his dad loves his pet rabbit, things could take a turn for the worse when you find out that your partner forgot to mention that dad’s beloved bunny made a prison break earlier that morning. Knowing this information is not only helpful, it could also contain awesome conversation starters!

6. Be yourself!

Your partner cares about you and they want their parents to think you’re as amazing as they already think you are. Of course you’re going to be nervous, but there’s no need to hold back! Crack a joke! Tell a funny story! Be confident in yourself! What better way to showcase your personality than by being the wonderful you that you are?

HC Stockton Campus Correspondent, Savannah, and boyfriend Shaun.

Founder, Editor-in-Chief & Campus Correspondent of Her Campus Stockton University School of Business - Marketing Concentration | Stockton University