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Mix Up Your Workout – Kickboxing and Spin!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stetson chapter.

We all know how tedious day in and day out going to the Hollis center and moving from machine to machine can become. There are only so many different variations that you can do with the machines in the Hollis center. Not only is it insanely boring after a while, recently the Hollis center gym has been packed! This makes it even more annoying to go in and do the daily routine. Last week I was in a push for time and found myself walking into an extremely over filled gym.. with no light dumbbells or room for me anywhere between all of the guys! Luckily in the aerobics room Dani Smith was just about to start her turbokickboxing class! I had never been before and didn’t really know what it was about but I figured trying it would be better than standing in the middle of a packed gym of smelly guys for an hour.

                  Let’s just say I was so impressed! I knew that kickboxing is a great way to burn calories; according to livestrong.com, a 135 pound person burns about 642 calories each hour. But more importantly than burning the calories, I had so much fun doing it and it was an amazing workout for toning my calves, thighs, butt, and arms all at the same time! After class I interviewed Dani and she says that kickboxing is her passion (it surely shows when she is leading the class, she literally makes you feel like  if you are not kicking yourself in the face you are just not working hard enough). She also explained that each of her classes consists of 30 minutes cardio, 15 minutes of squats and toning with light dumbbells, and 15 minutes of abs and stretching. The idea of the class is that if you do the same thing each and every day your body will become resistant to making any big changes in muscular development, or losing fat. By mixing it up and throwing kickboxing in once a week as a work out really helps to increase your ability to tone and burn fat!

Dani also teaches a spinning class at the Hollis Center. Her class is 45 minutes long and you will find yourself in the dark on a bike with the music blaring. Dani says it is an awesome time to de-stress and get in your own zone for the 45 minutes. Spinning, according to livestrong.com will burn over 360 calories in 40 minutes with an adult weighing 150 pounds. Also, this exercise is gentle for anyone who is getting started with working out since you are seated the whole time.  While you get an intense cardio and fat burning workout you are not pounding your knees to pieces or making yourself uncontrollably sore. This class would be a great fit in anyone’s weekly cardio schedule.

                  Also, in case any of you that are reading this are afraid to go to your first aerobics class, Dani says that she is willing to meet up before or after her classes and teach what she is doing so that no one has to feel uncomfortable. She says that giving someone else a good workout is the most rewarding experience. She also wants to remind everyone that these classes are perfect for any fitness level! You make the class as hard as you want! So whether you are just starting out or at the gym everyday you are sure to be sweating and more toned when you walk out of the class room door! So get out there this week and mix up your work up a bit, I promise you’ll reap the benefits!

Turbokickboxing Hollis Center Aerobics Room                   Mondays 5-6pm
Spinning w/ Dani Hollis Center Aerobics Room                  Wednesdays 515-6pm