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Bryan McCann ’14

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stanford chapter.

Bryan McCann


Mission Viejo

Would you rather eat a dolphin or a giraffe?
Dolphin would probably taste better but I like dolphins more so I’d eat the giraffe

Would you rather cut off arm or leg?
I would rather cut off an arm. I like to run so that’d be difficult. It would be hard to do that

What’s your favorite quality in a girl?
I like eyes and a good laugh and honesty I guess is a big thing.

So you wouldn’t date a girl with a honking laugh and lied to you all the time?
I mean if she lied to me all the time no I wouldn’t date her but honking laugh…if it’s a honking laugh I can’t stand to be around like a cackle then no.

Would you consider yourself a nerd?

Then why did you decide to do SLE?

Give me an entertaining answer.
I heard there were really hot girls in SLE.

Did it live up to your hype?
No. Just kidding. I love their pursuit of truth. And virtue.

I think you just made me vomit in my mouth a little.
Well then I guess it’s a good answer.

What would you say to all the SLE girls right now if they were reading this interview?
Just kidding, I love you all.
Can you publish this under a pseudonym?

Ok my name is Jethro and I’m a freshman.

Well I’m still going to publish it under Bryan McCann.
No I don’t want it under published under my name. Why does it have to be?…What is this website?