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How to Stop Holding Yourself Back

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. Law U chapter.

Do you ever feel like you’re holding yourself back from achieving your full potential? College is difficult, so if you do feel this way, I promise that you’re not alone. Here are a few ideas for actions you can take to make sure you’re giving yourself every opportunity that you can!

Photo creds: Mmbloggers

Stop taking critical comments personally – People are going to be critical. The world has become a place that is made up almost completely of different kinds of competition. Whether you’re competing for a place on a sports roster, working to get the best grades, applying for an internship or trying to look and feel your best in public, people are going to be critical when you’re successful. Critical comments aren’t meant to hurt you as a person, they are directed at the role you hold when you succeed in any given kind of competition. So let them go! Let those negative, critical comments flow in one ear and out the other, or learn how to simply ignore them altogether. Once we learn to stop taking comments personally, we grow a little taller and gain a little power each and every time!

Have confidence – Stop caring what other people will think of you. Have confidence in what you say and how you act, because confidence is one of the greatest qualities you can have. Confidence means you can be independent and happy with whatever you decide to do, without losing yourself worrying about what others might think.

Say yes to opportunities – Don’t let fear stop you from saying yes! So many great opportunities begin with a simple ‘yes’. It’s not an easy thing to do, but saying yes to any kind of opportunity will push you out of your comfort zone and allow you to gain incredible experiences!

Be kind – No matter who has betrayed you, or hurt you, or tried to tear you down, always be kind. Remind yourself of who you really are and focus on how you can improve a situation instead of reacting negatively to those who have done so to you. And to those whom you do not know well, always be sincere and kind to them. Kindness is the base for all positive interactions, and being genuine and kind to them now will inspire them act similarly towards you and others with time as well.

Put in the work – No success will come without hard work. If you are always willing to give 100% in what you do, you will see results.  Sometimes you will faces unexpected challenges, but that is okay. Hard work is not necessarily working to achieve the highest grade or to score the game winning goal. Hard work is managing your time, being compassionate, being aware of the needs of others and the needs of yourself. College isn’t easy, but with hard work, focus and dedication, you can accomplish almost anything!


Photo creds: Suitable


Kayla is Junior at St. Lawrence University, majoring in Communications and minoring in Sociology. She is a member of the Women's Lacrosse team on campus and is Vice President of Public Relations at Delta Delta Delta. She lives in Milbrook, NY where she is the 2nd oldest of four children and where her 4 doggies stay. Her role models include.. Amy Schumer. Kayla just recently got back from a semester abroad in Prague and is excited to pick up Chapter Coorespondent for Her Campus St. Law U once again!