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5 Pumpkin Breakfast Foods to Try This Season

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Edward's chapter.

If you’re looking to switch up your morning routine, go ahead and treat yo self to one of these delicious breakfast alternatives


1. Philadelphia Pumpkin Cream Cheese

ugh YUM, bring on the breakfast of the century- toasted bagel with this cream cheese and a PSL…


2. Pumpkin Spice Eggo Waffles

leggo my limited edition eggo


3. Pumpkin Spice Mini Wheats

dreams do come true, kids


4. Pumpkin Spice Granola Bars

If you want to go a healthier route, try these delicious granola bars! We haven’t looked into the nutrition label, so sugar could still dominate these bars, but they’re undoubtedly healthier than our last item



Okay, so this is 100% a dessert not a breakfast, but we’re not complaining…

Hannah Saada

St Edward's '18

Hannah is passionate about gender equity and is a Marketing major at St. Edward's University. She's currently the President for HC at her university. Friends can attest she's a serious Netflix addict and 80s movies are close to her heart. When she's not binge watching a new show, you'll either catch her reading or laughing at terrible puns. [S]he's a righteous dude. Follow Hannah on Instagram at @han_saada