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Seven Tips for Finding Your Prince at St. Andrews

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St. Andrews chapter.

So they say two-thirds of St Andrews students marry another St Andrews student. Or maybe it’s two-fifths. Or is it three-fourths? Regardless of the exact statistics, it is still a huge percentage. From time to time we all feel like we may end up in that unfortunate minority, but we must forge onward, continue the search, and hope that we find our own Prince William. As Prince William and his St Andrews sweetheart made a widely publicized visit last week, back to the place they first met, I thought it would be nice to get a few tips from real, live St Andrews boys on how to impress the new St Andrews royalty!

1. “Don’t play hard to get” – Dan Green
2. “You must have a natural elegance, dignified grace, like horses a lot, as you’ll be riding quite a bit. You must skilled with a long shaft and love dogs. Oh, and you can’t be American” – Jeremy Gordon

3. “You must be well bred” – James Kim

4. “Buy him drinks in the lizard” – Brian Cox

5. “See ‘Remix to Ignition’ lyrics” – Dan Dube

6. “Wear spurs and riding boots…perhaps a whip?” – Theo Borgvin-Weiss

7. “If you’re a solid 8 or 9 with a Florida tan, you’re in luck” – Anonymous

Hayley Daen is a sophomore at the University of St Andrews, where she studies the most useless of subjects, Art History. She lives in a dinky apartment right across from Tesco, which makes throwing impromptu tea parties a snap. She loves blue-and-white striped shirts and has an (almost certainly unhealthy) obsession with Christmas.