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Anon: The Face of CyberBullying

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Spelman chapter.

With the increasing popularity of online anonymity, it comes as no surprise that social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter have been the main sources for Cyberbullying. Cyberbullying is defined as “the use of information and communication technologies to support deliberate, repeated, and hostile behavior by an individual or group that is intended to harm others.” This seemingly impenetrable security blanket, known as the anon, has provided individuals with a false sense of power. Instead of using their anonymity to better others, for example protesting the recent surge in police brutality against African American men, many are instead using their clandestine identities to harass certain individuals.

According to the U.S Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), 1 in 3 U.S students say they have been bullied. Recently, countless students at our institution have taken to an anonymous Twitter/Facebook site to voice their opinions about others. These remarks, which are often sexist, homophobic, and threatening are posted daily with the intention of causing emotional harm. And it’s not just on our campus; Cyberbullying is a global issue. The following information was taken from the anti-bullying site known as Ditch and Label. These statistics showcase the percentage of individuals bullied over the social media sites, Facebook and Twitter.

Facebook: of all youths polled, 75% of them use Facebook and 54% of those experienced Cyberbullying.

Twitter: of all youths polled, 43% use Twitter and 28% of them experience Cyberbullying.

Have you or someone you know fallen victim to Cyberbullying? If so, implement these steps into your online-routine:

· Don’t respond, like, or forward Cyberbullying messages.

· Block the person who is Cyberbullying.

· Report Cyberbullying to the social media site so they can take action against users abusing the terms of service.  

Danyelle Carter has always been excited about building beneficial relationships, sharing stories and managing her best self. She is an aspiring publicist majoring in Comparative Women's Studies at her dream school, the illustrious Spelman College in Atlanta, GA. She chose to continue her education at Spelman after graduating summa cum laude from Miami Dade College with a joint associate degree in Mass Communications and Journalism. Currently a junior at Spelman, Danyelle hopes to bring contemporary perspectives to commercial appeal by pursuing entrepreneurship of owning her own firm. If you ask her what her aspirations are, her eyes would light up, her smile would widen and she would squeal: "to be the Communicator-in-Chief of my own PR/Social Interaction agency!"
I am a Senior, English Major here at Spelman.