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We’re GAGA for Griggs

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at South Carolina chapter.

We haven’t seen any Paparrazzi on the Horseshoe yet, but it won’t be long before more and more people start looking for what Malia Griggs does next.  A fourth-year journalism student, Malia is the Editor-In-Chief of Garnet & Black magazine and between chasing down Boombox guy and correcting typos as simple as the days of the week, she has found time to blog on a class of hers that has been in the national spotlight since entering the course directory last March.  Griggs became the Editor of Garnet & Black “working as an online editor to create a bunch of different blogs eventually managing 15 bloggers weekly. I also kept my own video blog. And then I trained a bit under the former editor-in-chief, interviewed and got the position. It was a combination of hard work and good timing.” 

These same traits are the ones proving valuable as she continues to find time to balance all her responsibilities.  Griggs originally “signed up for the class not sure what to expect and thought, given the attention it received, that it would be an interesting subject to blog about. So I started a blog and e-mailed it a couple places and within a day or two, The Huffington Post e-mailed me and said they wanted to take me on as a blogger.”

The blog itself hasn’t led to piles of cash or stardom but Malia expresses that  “most people have been really nice about the blog, but I wouldn’t say it’s helped me one way or the other. It just gives me perspective; it’s definitely a bit strange blogging about a class while in it.”

Awaiting the Atlanta concert, Griggs continues to publish about what takes place in the small confines of Sloan, as the class goes through just how Lady Gaga got so famous.  For now, South Carolina is proud to call this Little Monster, one of their own.

Martha Susan Morris is a fourth-year economics and political science student who gains her creative inspiration from her beloved binges on BBQ, books and bathing suits. Hailing from the crystal coast of North Carolina, Martha now studies at the University of South Carolina where she works as the Creative Director for Garnet & Black and obsesses over social media.