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Max Fowler: Known by All, Forgotten by Few

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at South Carolina chapter.

Name: Max Fowler

Year and Major: Freshman, Excercise Science

Hometown: Lugoff-Elgin

Relationship Status: Single

Activities: Playing the Guitar, Writing Songs, Winning, Making Films, Running, Lifting Weights.

Favorite Part of Columbia: Five Points, where he can often be found at the Village Idiot(even on Monday nights ladies).

Hogwarts House: Gryffindor

Food: Grouchos’s STP Dipper

Desireable Traits in females: Sense of humor and a great smile.

Desired Celebrity: Jessica Alba

Why Max is our Campus Cutie:

This freshman stole our hearts after performing his original songs at the campus Starbucks and when we found out he balanced his ROTC duties while pledging Sig Ep this Columbia Hall resident proved to not just be a pretty face but the All-American we unrealistically dream of.

Martha Susan Morris is a fourth-year economics and political science student who gains her creative inspiration from her beloved binges on BBQ, books and bathing suits. Hailing from the crystal coast of North Carolina, Martha now studies at the University of South Carolina where she works as the Creative Director for Garnet & Black and obsesses over social media.