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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at South Carolina chapter.

It’s that time of year again: Big-Little Reveal. Very similar to the holiday season, this week of gifts is one of the most exciting and most stressful times of the year. Whether you’re about to be a big or not, you know the amount of work that goes into this week. It is always worth it in the end, but the process is a little hectic.

1. Excitement

You are overwhelmed with excitement to make crafts and buy presents for your little. Your crafts are going to be the best, and your little is going to love you for the beautiful presents.

2. Distraction

Pinterest quickly goes from an aid to a distraction, and you end up searching recipes for dinner instead of cute sorority crafts.

3. Fatigue

You finish one canvas and that’s about all the energy you have for now. You decide to take a break because you did one whole canvas. Time for a nap.

4. Stressing out 

You realize reveal week starts in two days, and you still only have that one canvas. You start to see that everyone else is basically done, but at this point you just don’t know where to start.

5. Crying

You look at the receipts from all of your Hobby Lobby and Dollar Tree runs and realize that this is what it’s like to provide for a child.

6. Cramming

Four canvases in one hour? Challenge accepted.

7. Acceptance

You have made some questionable crafts in a couple of minutes, but the majority looks generally decent (from a distance). Littles have to love us no matter what, right?

8. Basking in your impressiveness

You see your little’s tweets and Snapchat stories of your gifts: “MY BIG IS PERFECT!!!” “I LOVE MY BIG ALREADY!!” But you already knew that.


Enjoy reveal and a special, lifelong bond with your little. Your work here is done.