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Morning After Etiquette: Walk Home with Pride

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SMU chapter.

While going back to a guys place may seem like a good idea after some heavy flirting and possibly one too many cocktails, you are always stuck with the age old dilemma of how to act in the morning.  Do you stay? Pretend to be asleep? Gingerly sneak out of bed so you don’t wake what’s-his-name? And do I really have to wear my dress and heals on my walk home? These are all questions that no doubt bombard you the moment you wake up between his sheets. Unfortunately there’s not a science to what to do in the morning seeing as how each situation is different. Instead, here are some general rules on what to do after waking up next to Mr. Last Night.

If you had just met this boy the night before and are at his place, chances are he’s not about to get up and make you pancakes. If you are the one anxious to leave, just say you have to run and leave! Simple as that. If he starts up a conversation, no harm in staying. The less awkward you are, the less awkward he will be. Try and talk about causal topics, but you probably want to refrain from reliving last nights intimate details.
When you are ready to leave, see if he will give you a lift home (unless you live in the same building, then running to your room is perfectly acceptable). The walk back to your dorm or apartment can always be a tricky one, especially with your stilettos and smudged mascara (make sure to look in a mirror in the morning!).  If he doesn’t have a car, see if your friend that texted you 17 times last night about where you are will come pick you up. If not, put away that shame and walk home with pride. Hey, you’re not the one who went home alone right? Oh, and dress code for the morning? If for some reason your dress is now unwearable due to the events the night before, ask to borrow a shirt and some basketball shorts.
Probably the worse thing that can happen after one-nighters is avoiding each other for the days to follow. Yes, you may feel mildly embarrassed or have a severe moral hangover, but a casual “hey” won’t kill you.  If you avoid each other, chances are the awkwardness will only escalate between you both. So try not to suddenly grab your phone or look at the birds in the trees when you walk by him. Confidence is key!
And for a few no-no’s: It is probably wise to not try and be his snuggle buddy in the morning. Keep to your side of the bed. Don’t text him until he texts you. If you do borrow his clothes, don’t keep them, return them! If he is still snoozing, don’t shake him awake for some quality conversation. Unless it is an emergency, wait to use the bathroom at your own dorm or apartment.
Use these simple steps to make your shameful night not so shameful!