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How to Handle Problems with your Roommate

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SMU chapter.


Choosing a freshman roommate has become much easier for this generation due to the increasing forms of technology and ways of communicating with strangers across the world. However, finding one’s “ideal match” is still tricky and rarely works out perfectly. Most people will likely still encounter problems with their freshman roommate at one point or another so below are some tips to help with some common situations many encounter.  


1.     Stay calm and talk it out

No matter what the situation is, yelling at someone is never the answer. Try sitting down and having a rational conversation with your roommate, and let him/her know what is up. Mutual respect and understanding one another is key to any living situation. Refrain from using text messaging as your main source of communication because often texts are misconstrued since you cannot hear the person’s tone or see their body language.


2.     Keep outsiders out

There is no need to bring people into the dynamic that do not belong there. Keep any arguments between you and your roommate.



3.      Clean freak

It is inevitable that one roommate will be cleaner than the other. Be mindful of your roommate’s living habits. Clean up after yourself because no one enjoys living with a slob or cleaning up after someone else. Teamwork is often helpful. Divide the work, and take turns doing different chores. Make a cleaning schedule if necessary.




4.       Conflicting schedules

Maybe you are more of the chill/watch TV type while your roommate likes to party and stay out late, which disrupts your sleeping schedule. This is where roommates must come to a compromise that satisfies both of your desires. Telling your roommate she can never go out is definitely not the answer, but maybe set up “go out” nights Thursday-Saturday while the school nights are reserved for quiet hours. No one wants to be hungover or tired for that miserable 8 am class.