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Saint Mike’s Students Compete in “Sleepless in Burlington”

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SMCVT chapter.


College students are not strangers to pulling all nighters. Usually it has something to do with studying for finals or finishing a project, but for one group of students the all-nighter they pulled over Halloween weekend was to see their first movie on a big screen.
Oct. 27 was the start of the 2nd Annual “Sleepless in Burlington” 24-hour film competition as part of the Vermont International Film Festival. Middlebury College, University of Vermont, and Burlington College also fielded teams. The task for the contest is simple: create a 4-9 minute film in 24-hours. 
The Vermont International Film Fest website states, “Teams of five students from four area schools (the University of Vermont, St. Michael’s College, Burlington College, and Middlebury College) confront the challenge of conceiving, casting, shooting, and editing a film incorporating required elements (dialogue, locations, themes, local celebrities) under the pressure of a 24-hour production deadline.”
The twist comes in the required elements set forth by the people who run the contest. This year, the requirements were:
1) Maglianero Pins – Maglianero’s is a coffee shop downtown and the team’s had to use the buttons in a meaningful way.
2) The phrase “a storm is coming” – The phrase had to be used in the dialogue of the film.
3) A Phish quote – The opening screen had to be a Phish lyric that related to the story.
4) The mural on Church St. – The mural on Church St. had to be included and have meaning in the film.
The St. Michael’s team created the film, “Tobin,” inspired by their lead actress, Tobin Jordan. The team consisted of 5 SMC students, Derick Logan, Chase Pellerin, Vicky Cooley, Brian McQueen, and Gabbi Hall, working with 5 actors and a faculty advisor, Alison Cusson. 
The story line, which was conceived on Friday, was relatively simple. Mia, inspired by lead actress Themie Zgonis, was searching for her lost friend, Tobin, throughout Burlington. 
It was the first time that the film team had worked with actors, which proved challenging. Lucky for them, the actors were enthusiastic and the two leads, Tobin and Themie, stuck with the team for most of the day. The casting for the video contest is done “line-up” style. The actors lined up for the four teams, talked about their experience, and each team got to choose one actor at a time.
The St. Mike’s team was up for 24 straight hours, editing until 11 am just before the noon deadline.
The films premiered on Sunday, Oct. 28 to a modest crowd at Main Street Landing. The winner of “Best Film” was Burlington College and “People’s Choice” went to University of Vermont. St. Michael’s team did not receive any prizes. Their video can be viewed online.
Alex is a junior at Saint Michel's College and is pursuing a degree in business administration. Alex is from Massachusetts but loves beautiful Vermont (minus the freezing cold, snowy winters)! She loves being involved on campus - besides running the Saint Mike's Branch of Her Campus, she is a tour guide and blogger for her college and a mentor to a second-grader. Alex plans on studying-abroad in Ireland and would love to move to Boston or New York City after graduation. She is uber passionate about social media and marketing and hopes to attend business school in the future. In her free time, Alex enjoys baking, taking naps, going to the movies with friends, and telling jokes about pirates.