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Open Letter to My Floormates

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SMCVT chapter.


You begin freshman year trying to find yourself. You swear your life is not going to change and you promise yourself you won’t forget who you are. You don’t want to leave home and you certainly don’t want to leave behind your best friends. I get it. They’re pretty great- they did experience your awkward bermuda shorts days and walk across the stage with you at Graduation. But somehow, you did change. You evolved and became someone new. And here you are, the last week of freshman year, packing up your belongings, taking down your pictures and reminiscing about all the stupid things you did that year. This year marked amazing, hilarious, sad, and stupid things that I could not have imagined doing without any of you which is why I owe you all a thank you.


To my Floor Mates,

Thank you. Thank you for the endless laughs about nothing. Thank you for the good mornings in the bathroom while we brush our teeth. Thank you for the “open closet” policies- my wardrobe would have seriously lacked without it. Thank you for always being down to study for hours in Durick (rush DL) while also being equally as down to go out on a friday night and destress from a long week of barely sleeping.

Thank you for dragging me out of bed when I slept through my alarm. Thank you for being countless shoulders to cry on. Thank you for never letting me feel alone and always being amazing support systems. And most importantly- thank you for being my second family: for checking in after a huge test, asking me how that presentation went, giving me much needed pep talks before those exams, for making sure I eat breakfast before taking advil, for giving me a hug after a long day, for making me put my work down and enjoy life every once and a while.

They say you find your future bridesmaids in college- your life long best friends. Of course our friends from home are irreplaceable but I still can’t imagine my freshman year without you, let alone my life. Somehow we all ended up on the 3rd floor in a semi run down building and I am beyond thankful for that and you all. Thank you j3 for one of the best years of my life.

