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The Dos and Don’ts of Living in a Freshmen Dorm

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SMCVT chapter.

The Do’s and Do Not’s of Living in A Freshmen Dorm



Wear shower shoes

trust me, the showers are repulsive

Flush the toilet

come on, this one should be self explanatory


Your laundry

the longer you wait, the more you’ll hate yourself


Lock your door if you have someone “special” over

believe me, no one wants to see that, so save yourself some embarrassment and lock it



Buy enough snacks for all your friends

if you don’t, they’ll be gone in a day


Use a reusable water bottle


Embrace yourself and walk around in a towel

no one cares, we’ve all been there

Be careful of what you say or do

the walls are paper thin and we all know everything


Make friends with as many people on your floor as possible

friendly faces make bad days go by quicker and there’s nothing like an endless supply of clothes to borrow



Dump out your noodles in the shower

there is nothing appealing about stepping into a hot shower covered in last night’s leftovers


Leave your hair everywhere

I get it, it happens but just pick it up


Flush your tampons down the toilet


Wait until the last minute to do your dishes


Leave leftovers in your fridge

your room is small and I promise you, it will smell